Agitation of mind

  • 61calm — adj Calm, tranquil, serene, placid, peaceful, halcyonmean quiet and free from all that disturbs or excites. Calm is primarily applied to sea or weather, usually conveys an implicit contrast with its opposite, stormy, and suggests freedom, real or …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • 62Skandha — Buddhist term pi= khandha sa= स्कन्ध (skandha) zh=五蘊(T) / 五蕴(S) zh Latn=wǔyùn vi=Ngũ uẩn ja=五蘊 bo=ཕུང་པོ་ལྔ་ bo Latn=phung po lnga en=aggregate, mass, heap my=ခန္ဒာငါးပါး my Latn=IPA|kʰà̃ dà ŋá bá khan da nga: ba:In Buddhist phenomenology and… …


  • 63propaganda — /prop euh gan deuh/, n. 1. information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc. 2. the deliberate spreading of such information, rumors, etc. 3. the particular doctrines or… …


  • 64ancient Rome — ▪ ancient state, Europe, Africa, and Asia Introduction       the state centred on the city of Rome. This article discusses the period from the founding of the city and the regal period, which began in 753 BC, through the events leading to the… …


  • 65Semiotic elements and classes of signs — C. S. Peirce articles  General:    Charles Sanders Peirce Charles Sanders Peirce bibliography Philosophical:    Categories (Peirce) Semiotic elements and   classes of signs (Peirce) Pragmatic maxim • Pragmaticism… …


  • 66List of psychology topics — This page aims to list all topics related to psychology. This is so that those interested in the subject can monitor changes to the pages by clicking on Related changes in the sidebar. It is also to see the gaps in Wikipedia s coverage of the… …


  • 67Semiotic elements and classes of signs (Peirce) — Logician, mathematician, philosopher, and scientist Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914) began writing on semeiotic, semiotics, or the theory of sign relations in the 1860s, around the time that he devised his system of three categories. He… …


  • 68Science and the Church — • Dicsusses the relationship between the two subjects Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Science and the Church     Science and the Church      …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 69cool — 1 chilly, *cold, frigid, freezing, frosty, gelid, icy, glacial, arctic Antonyms: warm 2 Cool, composed, collected, unruffled, imperturbable, unflappable, nonchalant are comparable when applied to persons, their manners, appearance, temper, or… …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • 70Roman Catholic Relief Bills — were attempted steps of legislation in the United Kingdom towards Catholic Emancipation. They sought to remove the legal tests and disabilities imposed on British and Irish Catholics, brought about by Henry VIII s state Protestant Reformation,… …
