Toute seule

Toute seule

Infobox Single
Name = Toute seule

Cover size =
Border =
Caption =
Artist = Lorie
Album = Près de Toi
A-side =
B-side = "By My Side"
Released = March 19, 2002
Format = CD single
CD maxi
Digital download (since 2005)
Recorded = France
Genre = Dance-pop
Length = 3:29
Label = Sony
Writer = Johnny Williams
Louis Element
Producer = Johnny Williams
Louis Element
Audio sample? =
Certification = Silver France, 2002
Last single = "Je serai (ta meilleure amie) (2001)
This single = "Toute seule" (2002)
Next single = "J'ai besoin d'amour" (2002)
Misc =

"Toute seule" is the name of a 2002 song recorded by the French artist Lorie. The song was released on March 19, 2002, as third and last single from her debut album, "Près de Toi", on which it features as third track (and as 16th track on a remixed version). It was a top ten hit in France, and a top 15 hit in Belgium (Wallonia).

ong information

The music video, shot at Studio Canadian, was directed by Vincent Egret and produced by Plein Sud Films. [Lorie' s music videos [] (Retrieved May 18), 2008)] In the lyrics, the singer says she prefers to remain alone instead of dating with a stupid boy.

The song is included on Lorie's best of, "Best of". As it was performed on the singer's three tours, it also features on the live albums "Live Tour" (third track), ["Live Tour", track listing and charts [] (Retrieved May 18, 2008)] "Week End Tour" ["Week End Tour", track listing and charts [] (Retrieved May 18, 2008)] and "Live Tour 2006" (included in a medley, 12th track). It also appears on many compilations, such as "Hitbox 2002 - Best Of vol. 4".

Chart performances

"Toute seule" was charted for 27 weeks, from March 23 to September 21, 2002. It started at #17, then reached it peak position, #8, and stayed there for three consecutive weeks. Even if it didn't stop to drop on the chart the following weeks, but managed to stay for 20 weeks in the top 50."Toute seule", in French Singles Chart [] (Retrieved May 18, 2008)] It finally achieved Silver statusFrench certifications [] (Retrieved May 18, 2008)] and was the 46th best-selling of the year.2002 French Singles Chart [] (Retrieved May 18, 2008)]

In Belgium (Wallonia), the single debuted at #29 on March 30, then jumped to #14, and peaked at #12 in tis fourth, fifth and seventh weeks. It remained for nine weeks in the top 20 and 16 weeks in the top 40."Toute seule", in Belgian (Wallonia) Singles Chart [] (Retrieved May 18, 2008)] It was ranked #46 on the Annual Chart.2002 Belgian (Wallonia) Singles Chart [] (Retrieved May 18, 2008)]

The single was briefly charted in Switzerland : it stayed for only six weeks in the top 100, peaking at #44 when it entered the chart, on May 19."Toute seule", in Swiss Singles Chart [] (Retrieved May 18, 2008)]

Track listings

; CD single
# "Toute seule" (edit video) — 3:33
# "Toute seule" (tam tam remix) — 3:35

; CD maxi
# "Toute seule" (edit video) — 3:29
# "By My Side" — 3:41
# "Toute seule" (tam tam remix) — 3:36
# "Toute seule" (instrumental) — 3:29

; Digital download
# "Toute seule" (album version) — 3:31
# "Toute seule" (2003 live version) — 3:35
# "Toute seule" (2004 live version) — 3:54

Certifications and sales

External links

* [ "Toute seule", lyrics + music video]


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