- Ragworm
A ragworm is a
polychaete worm of the genus "Nereis " or the familyNereidae . Ragworms are often used as fishing bait, especially the North Atlantic species "Nereis diversicolor ". Ragworms are true worms (Annelidae ) and are segmented like all true worms. In the U.S. they are often calledsandworm s orclam worm s.Ragworms use tiny structures along the sides of their bodies to crawl around beaches and mudflats. These tiny structures along the sides of their bodies are actually their gills. At the front of a ragworm's head are curved fangs which are part of its mouth. A ragworm uses these to capture and tear apart their crustacean prey. The Ragworm's fangs are made of a material that is very strong and light. They are unlike most strong biological structures such as bones, teeth, and shells which are highly mineralised. (i.e. They incorporate crystals of salts such as calcium carbonate in a matrix of protein.) [http://www.economist.com/science/displaystory.cfm?story_id=11785227&CFID=14891129&CFTOKEN=52298400]
Rag worms are often found in the sand and can grow up to a metre in length but is only used at a maximum of 15cm when used as fishing bait.
ee also
Common clam worm
*Nereididae References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.