École Mathieu-Martin

École Mathieu-Martin

Infobox Education in Canada
name= École Mathieu-Martin
imagesize= 80px
city= Dieppe
province= New Brunswick
schoolboard= District 1
affiliation= None
principal= Michel Power
schooltype= High School
grades= 9-12
language= French
area= Dieppe and surrounding district
founded= 1972

École Mathieu-Martin is a Francophone high school located in Dieppe, New Brunswick. With an enrollment of close to 900, [cite web|url= http://www.district1.nbed.nb.ca/index/index.cfm|title=École Mathieu-Martin| date=2007-03-13| work=NB School District 1| accessdate=2008-05-15] the school is the largest of the French-language high schools in the Moncton area. The current principal is Michel Power.

The school participates in almost every NBIAA sport including junior and senior soccer, field hockey, football, softball, baseball, hockey, senior basketball, golf, curling and volleyball.


External Links

[http://mathieumartin.nbed.nb.ca/ Official website (French)]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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