Leon Winiarski

Leon Winiarski

Leon Winiarski (1865–1915) was a Polish sociologist. Pupil of Vilfredo Pareto and later Professor of Sociology at the University of Geneva. [ [http://www.polybiblio.com/quaritch/HX49.html PARETO, Vilfredo., Cours d’Économie politique … Tome premier (– second). ] at www.polybiblio.com]


Further reading

*Ian Steedman, "Socialism and Marginalism in Economics", Routledge, 1995, ISBN 0415130794, [http://books.google.com/books?id=mnB7Xwj2UMoC&pg=PA199&dq=%22Leon+Winiarski%22&as_brr=3&ei=Oo4sSMquLIuCyQSsvpjNAw&sig=GNE4AJZ_b6eTdRhiG5QjevVJDPc#PPA199,M1 Google Print, p.199-200]

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