Ali Karbalaei Norouz

Ali Karbalaei Norouz

Ali Karbalaei Norouz was the Head of Research and Development Department as well as Head of the Festival & Assemblies Office for Cinema & Audio-Visual Affairs, Ministry of Culture, Iran. During his time since 2004, the Department led the comprehensive National Studies and Planning for Cinema Industry under his management. These studies covered the planning for the IT development as well. The first stages of the implementation of the studies was carried out at his time under his management and led into an unprecedented outcome in the industry of Iranian Cinema in different areas.

Graduating with a first class degree in TEFL from the University of Tehran, Ali, being very successful in teaching, had a passion and talent for filmmaking. After working as part time advisor for Cima Film Company, affiliated to IR Iran Broadcasting, for a short time, he soon found himself in the role of the series editor for the International Co-production Department in Cima Film. Under his management, a rich and diverse variety of programmes were coproduced in Cima Film. In 1995, he became an executive producer and soon found his way to BBC Natural History Unit. He was the executive producer for two exclusive and first-time-ever made wildlife documentaries on Iran’s exotic nature and wildlife. He was also the presenter of these programmes which were worldwide broadcast. Since then he made several other outstanding documentaries.

Ali, having a passion for art and a valuable at international level, also worked for Iranian theater for many years, promoting the very rich Iranian theater throughout the world.


‘WILDLIFE OF IRAN: Secrets of the North’

A Coproduction with BBC,

Executive producer and Presenter

‘WILDLIFE OF IRAN: Jewels of the South’

A Coproduction with BBC,

Executive producer and Presenter


15 x 30 minutes documentary

Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB),

Executive producer and Presenter


A Coproduction with Municipal of Rome,

Executive Producer and Director


BBC Production,

Iranian Executive Producer


National Petrochemical Company,

Executive Producer and Director


National Petrochemical Company,

Executive Producer and Director


Visual Media Institute,

Executive Producer and Director


Visual Media Institute,

Executive Producer and Director


Ministry of Housing and Urban Development,

Executive Producer and Director


The OPEC Summit

Ministry of Petroleum,

Executive Producer and Director


Ministry of Housing and Urban Development,

Executive Producer and Director


Ministry of Road and Transportation,

Executive Producer and Director

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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