Koulikoro Cercle

Koulikoro Cercle

Koulikoro Cercle is an administrative subdivision of the Koulikoro Region of Mali. Its seat is the city of Koulikoro, which is also the capital of its Region. A major trade and industrial town on the Niger River, Koulikoro has been surpased by Kati to the west as the largest city in the region. Also to the southwest, it the Capitol District of Bamako, which after independence was carved out of the middle of the Region. The Cercle is further divided into Arrondissements and Communes. Koulikoro Cercle's population as of 1998 was 144,006 people. [ [http://www.statoids.com/yml.html Statsoid, Population: 1998 census] .]

The Koulikoro Cercle is divided into nine Arrondissements which contain ten communes: among them are Dinandougou, Koula, Meguetan, Nyamina, Sirakorola, Tienfela, and Tougouni.

Koulikoro Cercle in the east center of Koulikoro Region, and covers some 6,000 km2. It is home to primarially Bambara farmers, including large export Mango plantations along the river. Other farm products include Groundnuts, cotton, tobacco and Shea butter. The north of the Cercle is dry, Sahel land, primarially used for livestock.


*See [http://mali-reforme-telecom.mctmtl.com/ PROJET DE RÉFORME DU SECTEUR DES TÉLÉCOMMUNICATIONS AU MALI] : Government of Mali, Project for Reform of the Telecomunications Sector. (2001-2002). Site includes 1998 population figures for all Cercles and Communes, and administrative structure as of 2001. [http://mali-reforme-telecom.mctmtl.com/MaliArp.exe Cartographie des infrastructures communales du Mali] and [http://mali-reforme-telecom.mctmtl.com/previsions.pdf Prévisions de desserte des communes pour la période de 2001-2005] .
* [http://www.afdevinfo.com/htmlreports/ml01.html Regions, Cercles and Places in Mali] , African Development Information Services Database. Contains listing of Arrondissements under each Cercle page, as well as some Communes and places of interest in each Cercle.
*Pascal James Imperato. Historical Dictionary of Mali. Scarecrow Press/ Metuchen. NJ - London (1986) ISBN 0810813696

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