1999 Cup of Russia

1999 Cup of Russia

Infobox Figure Skating Competition
title= 1999 Cup of Russia

comptype= Grand Prix
startdate= November 24
enddate= November 28
skatingseason= 1999-2000
location= flagicon|RUS Saint Petersburg
championmen= flagicon|RUS Evgeni Plushenko
championladies= flagicon|RUS Irina Slutskaya
championpairs= flagicon|RUS Maria Petrova & Alexei Tikhonov
championdance= flagicon|ITA Barbara Fusar-Poli & Maurizio Margaglio
previouscomp= 1998 Cup of Russia
nextcomp= 2000 Cup of Russia
previousgp= 1999 Trophee Lalique
nextgp= 1999 NHK Trophy

The 1999 Cup of Russia was the Cup of Russia competition of the 1999/2000 season. It was the fifth event of six of the 1999-2000 Grand Prix of Figure Skating. Elite senior-level figure skaters competed in the disciplines of ladies' singles, men's singles, pair skating, and ice dancing.

In 1999, the Cup of Russia was held in Saint Petersburg from November 24th through 28th. Skaters who placed high enough in this competition earned points towards competing in the 1999-2000 Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final.



Ice Dancing


* [http://ww2.isu.org/figure/events/9900/gp59900.html 1999 Cup of Russia]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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