

Zuckerman(n) is a German surname meaning "sugar man".

Zuckerman may refer to:
* Baruch Zuckerman, American-Israeli Zionist, and early proponent of Yad Vashem
* Ethan Zuckerman, one of the founders of Tripod and later Geekcorps
* Gregg Zuckerman, mathematician who introduced Zuckerman functors
* Yitzhak Zuckerman, Anglisized name of Icchak Cukierman, the commander of the Jewish troops fighting in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising during World War II
* Josh Zuckerman, American singer-songwriter
* Josh Zuckerman, American actor (Austin Powers in Goldmember)
* Mortimer "Mort" Zuckerman, American publisher, magazine editor, and real estate billionaire
* Nathan Zuckerman, a character from author Philip Roth's Zuckerman Bound series
* Solly Zuckerman, a UK civil servant, zoologist, and scientific advisor

Zuckermann may refer to:
* Benedict Zuckermann, a German scientist born at Breslau
* Isidor Zuckermann, Austrian director timber and wood industrial company
* Wolfgang Zuckermann, German/American harpsichord maker

Zukerman may refer to:
* Arianna Zukerman, an American singer
* George Zukerman, a Canadian bassoonist
* Pinchas Zukerman, an Israeli violinist and conductor
* Zukerman Chamber Players, a classical music ensemble

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  • Zuckermann — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Ariel Zuckermann (* 1973), Flötist und Dirigent Benedikt Zuckermann (1818–1891) deutscher Bibliothekar und Lehrer Ghil ad Zuckermann (* 1971), Sprachwissenschaftler und Professor für Linguistik an der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ZUCKERMANN, ELIEZER — (1852–1887), pioneer Jewish socialist in Russia. Zuckermann came from a wealthy family of good lineage in Mogilev. When still a youth, he voluntarily taught needy children at the local talmud torah and began to contribute to the Hebrew… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • ZUCKERMANN, HUGO — (1881–1914), Austrian translator and poet. Zuckermann was born into an assimilated Jewish family in Eger (Cheb), Bohemia. Austrian antisemitism and the emergence of the Zionist movement led him to rediscover his Jewish heritage. Turning to Jewish …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • ZUCKERMANN, BENEDICT — (1818–1891), mathematician, librarian, and historian. Born in Breslau, Zuckermann received an education that embraced mathematics and related subjects. After being awarded a doctoral degree at the University of Kiel, Zuckermann returned to… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Zuckermann — Berufsname auf mann zu mhd. zuc(k)er »Zucker« für den Zuckermacher oder händler …   Wörterbuch der deutschen familiennamen

  • Wolfgang Zuckermann — Wolfgang Joachim Zuckermann (born 11 October 1922) is a harpsichord maker, author and environmental and social activist. He was born in Berlin, became an American citizen in 1938 and has lived in France since 1995.He saw front line action as a… …   Wikipedia

  • Ghil'ad Zuckermann — (גלעד צוקרמן, 諸葛漫 Zhūgěmàn) (* 1. Juni 1971 in Tel Aviv, Israel), D.Phil. (Oxon.), Ph.D. (Cantab.), M.A. (summa cum laude) (Tel Aviv), ist ein israelisch italienisch britisch australischer Sprachwissenschaftler und Professor für Linguistik an der …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Moshe Zuckermann — (2009) Moshe Zuckermann (* 1949 in Tel Aviv) ist ein israelischer Soziologe und Professor für Geschichte und Philosophie an der Universität Tel Aviv. Seit 2010 ist er wissenschaftlicher Leiter der Sigmund Freud Privatstiftung in Wien …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Rudolf Zuckermann — (* 2. Oktober 1910 in Elberfeld ; † 29. April 1995 in Berlin) war ein deutscher Kardiologe, der 1. Lehrstuhlinhaber für Kardiologie in Deutschland. Er war der Bruder des Juristen und Mitautors der DDR Verfassung Leo Zuckermann. Inhaltsverzeichnis …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ghil'ad Zuckermann — (גלעד צוקרמן, 诸葛漫 Zhūgěmàn) (Tel Aviv, Israel, 1 de junio de 1971), D.Phil. (Oxon.), Ph.D. (Cantab.), M.A. (summa cum laude) (Tel Aviv), es un lingüista israeli italiano inglés australiano. Es profesor de Lingüística en la Universidad de Adelaida …   Wikipedia Español

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