Pohlia scotica

Pohlia scotica

name = Scottish Thread-moss

regnum = Plantae
divisio = Bryophyta
classis = Bryopsida
subclassis = Bryidae
ordo = Bryales
familia = Mniaceae
genus = "Pohlia"
species = "P. scotica"
binomial = "Pohlia scotica"
binomial_authority = Crundw. [ [ "The Scottish Biodiversity List - Species & Habitat Detail"] BiodiversityScotland. Retrieved 14 May 2008.] [ [ "Pohlia (Genus): Taxonomy"] Retrieved 14 May 2008.]
"Pohlia scotica", commonly known as Scottish Thread-moss, is a moss endemic to Scotland. [ [ "Mosses and Liverworts in Scotland"] SNH. Retrieved 14 May 2008.] The earliest records date to 1964 and this moss was recognised as a distinct species in 1982. The largest populations are in Argyll with smaller populations in Dunbartonshire and Easter Ross. Its favoured habitat is silt, sand and gravel subject to regular inundation. The species has been provisionally classified as Lower Risk (Near threatened) and receives protection under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. [ [ "Species Action Plan: Scottish Pohlia (Pohlia scotica)"] UK Biodiversity Action Plan. Retrieved 14 May 2008.]

ee also

*Other endemic Scottish species:
** "Bryoerythrophyllum caledonicum"
** "Bryum dixonii"

*Flora of Scotland


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