Kendon — Infobox Given Name Revised name = Kendon imagesize= caption= pronunciation= gender = meaning = region = origin = related names = footnotes = Kendon is a given name and a surname, and may refer to:People with the surname Kendon: * Adam Kendon,… … Wikipedia
Frank Kendon — Frank Samuel Herbert Kendon (1893 December 28 1959) was an English writer, poet and academic. He was also an illustrator, and journalist.He was educated at St John s College, Cambridge, where he became a Fellow in 1948. He was a published poet in … Wikipedia
Gesture — A gesture is a form of non verbal communication made with a part of the body, used instead of or in combination with verbal communication . The language of gesture allows individuals to express a variety of feelings and thoughts, from contempt… … Wikipedia
Gebärdensprachen der Aborigines — sind lautsprachbegleitende Gebärden der australischen Ureinwohner. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Hintergrund 2 Liste der Gebärdensprachen der Aborigines 3 Einzelnachweise 4 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Australian Aboriginal sign languages — NOTOC Many Australian Aboriginal cultures have or traditionally had a sign language counterpart to their spoken language. This appears to be connected with various taboos on speech between certain people within the community or at particular… … Wikipedia
Home sign — (or kitchen sign) is the gestural communication system developed by a deaf child who lacks input from a language model in the family. This is a common experience for deaf children with hearing parents who are isolated from a sign language… … Wikipedia
Lenguaje de señas caseras — El lenguaje de señas caseras (o gestos familiares) es el sistema de comunicación gestual desarrollado por un niño sordo que no posee un modelo de lenguaje en la familia. Esta es una experiencia común para los niños sordos con padres oyentes que… … Wikipedia Español
Warlpiri Sign Language — Infobox Language name=Warlpiri Sign Language states=Australia region=North Central Desert familycolor=Sign fam1=Pama Nyungan fam2=South West fam3=Ngarrkic fam4=Warlpiri iso2=sgnWarlpiri Sign Language is a sign language used by the Warlpiri, an… … Wikipedia
Sign language — Two men and a woman signing. A sign language (also signed language) is a language which, instead of acoustically conveyed sound patterns, uses visually transmitted sign patterns (manual communication, body language) to convey meaning… … Wikipedia
Gestik — Signal eines Schiedsrichters durch Gestik (Mitteilung einer Entscheidung) Gestik im Sinne von kommunikativen Bewegungen insbesondere der Arme, Hände und des Kopfes, wird sowohl lautsprachersetzend wie auch lautsprachbegleitend bzw.… … Deutsch Wikipedia