- Boris Banozic
Boris Banozic (born 1969) is an independent
architect andscenographer predominantly working in the field oftheater ,event ,exhibition andrepresentation .He is co-founder of [http://www.dreizueins.de dreizueins] , aninterdisciplinary platform forcorporate design strategies, where he develops and executes concepts that integrate communication, media and architecture with it's dramaturgical potential.By exploring the potential in the interaction between space-creating multimedia-presentations and object design, he moves beyond the boundaries of disciplines and convention, independent of media or volume. His aim is to
complement space and media to incorporate people in a comprehensive and authenticscenario .His object-oriented architecture always creates a
self-referential image, whether it is a pavillon, which form is inspired by the movement of paper through a printing machine, a transformation of a measuring instrument into an architectural scale or two curves of rising share prices enlarged to mediaplayed ribbons, that melt together into one significant image.External Links
[http://www.banozic.com _banozic ar/sc]
[http://www.dreizueins.de/01_html/Projects-D.html dreizueins - recent projects]
[http://www.transform-mag.com/permalink/architecture/lookout_wetterpark_offenbach_ger Transform – Weatherpark - LookOut]
[http://ebn24.com/pdf/boris_banozic_2046.pdf Article `Between the Visual and Space´ published in `Architektur in Hessen´ 2007]
[http://www.designpreis.de/index.php?id=1086&L=&PID=42638 Nominee for the German Design Award 2008]
[http://www.ifdesign.de/awards_exhibition_index_d?award_id=132&sprache=0&list_awards=1&award_name=iF%20communication%20design%20award&award_jahr=&kategorie_id=2822&sprache=0 if Communication Design Award 2007 - Wetterpark Offenbach]
[http://www.ifdesign.de/awards_exhibition_index_d?award_id=118&sprache=0&list_awards=1&award_name=iF%20communication%20design%20award&award_jahr=&kategorie_id=2724&sprache=0 if Communication Design Award 2006 - 50years dit]
[http://www.hfg-offenbach.de/index.php?nodeId=2200&page=3 Luminale 2006]
[http://www.dreizueins.de/03_Download/3to1-Booklet05-E.pdf dreizueins - booklet 2005]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.