Via Militaris

Via Militaris

Via Militaris or Via Diagonalis was an ancient Roman road, starting from Sigindunum (today Serbian capital Belgrade), passing through Naissus (today Nis in Serbia ), Serdica (today Bulgarian capital Sofia), Adrianopolis (today Edirne in Turkey), and reaching Constantinople. This road was connected with Via Egnatia by other roads - the road along river Axios (today Vardar in Greece and Republic of Macedonia), the road Serdica - Thessalonica along river Strimon (today Struma in Bulgaria and Greece), the road Phillipopolis (today Plovdiv in Bulgaria) - Phillipi.


*Stephen Mitchell: "The administration of Roman Asia from 133 BE to AD 250" in "Lokale Autonomie und römische Ordnungsmacht in den kaiserzeitlichen Provinzen vom 1. Bis 3. Jahrhundert" (Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag 1999, ISBN 3486563858, S. 18) ( [ restricted online version (Google Books)] )
*Fred Singleton, Frederick Bernard Singleton: "A Short History of the Yugoslav Peoples". Cambridge University Press 1985,ISBN 0521274850, S. 12 [ restricted online version (Google Books)] )

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