Infobox Software
name = NETeXPERT

caption = Screenshot of NETeXPERT
collapsible =
author =
developer = Objective Systems Integrators
released =
latest release version = 6.1
latest release date = November, 2007
latest preview version = 6.2
latest preview date = August, 2008
frequently updated =
programming language = Java, C++,
operating system = UNIX; Linux, Windows clients
platform =
size =
language =
status =
genre =
license =
website = [] []

NETeXPERT is an Operational Support Systems (OSS) software framework used by Communication Service Providers. NETeXPERT is developed by Objective Systems Integrators a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sobha Renaissance Information Technology.


*NETeXPERT was designed to monitor and control networks and services. [ [ "monitor and control" in "Managing Networks"] , Minoli, Golway, Smith, 1997, page 300.]
*NETeXPERT makes use of object-oriented and expert systems technologies. [ [ "object-oriented and expert systems technologies" in "Managing Networks"] , Minoli, Golway, Smith, 1997, page 300.]


*NETeXPERT was initially developed as a framework for Fault Management in the early 1990's. The framework started as an offshoot of combining expert systems technology with network management.
*The framework was seen as being flexible enough to be used for activation and performance collection.
*In the mid-1990's OSI developed over 120 adapters for NETeXPERT fault, activation, and performance collection for a host of network element manufacturers.
*In the 2nd half of 1990 OSI started to package applications to help reduce the time it took to develop adapters. These became known as the eXEL series. These included FMeXEL, CMeXEL, and PMeXEL. These eXELs were rules-based and had application logic out-of-the-box. This help accelerate the time it took to deploy applications.
*After year-2000 a policy-framework was introduced to help provide non-rules-based automation. Applications are now being launched for Service Assurance on this new policy engine called Distributed Management Policy (DMP) server.


NETeXPERT is considered an OSS, used in managing wireline and wireless networks and services. [ [ "NETeXPERT" in "Web-based Systems & Network Management"] , Terplan, 1999, page 185.]

It consists of a series of coordinated modules that fall into three general groups:

*object persistence and behavior servers, and
*user/operator workstation/Web Interfaces.

NETeXPERT is a scalable and distributable architecture that supports flexible configuration while maintaining individual component independence. Its application packages address many areas of communication services management, including fault, performance, reporting, activation, IP services, and others. These can be further tailored to individual customer environments and management requirements. [ [ "NETeXPERT" in "Web-based Systems & Network Management"] , Terplan, 1999, page 185.]

This framework consists of a set of integrated software modules and graphical user interface (GUI) development tools to enable the creation and deployment of complex management solutions. The object-oriented architecture of the NETeXPERT framework provides the building blocks to implement operations support and management systems using high-level tools rather than low-level programming languages. [ [,M1 "NETeXPERT" in "Telecom Operations Management Solutions"] , Terplan, 1998, page 120.]

The NETeXPERT framework is founded on open systems and object-oriented methdology. NETeXPERT supports different standards, transmission protocols, and equipment data models. NETeXPERT is based on the Telecommunications Management Network architecture created by the Telecommunications Standardization Sector of the International Telecommunications Union. It supports the development and deployment of applications for the main TMN management areas - fault, configuration, accounting, performance, and security - and the implementation of layered management architectures. In addition, the NETeXPERT framework employs expert rules that replace complex programming languages and enable network analysts to model desired system behaviors by using GUI-based rule editors. [ [,M1 "NETeXPERT" in "Telecom Operations Management Solutions"] , Terplan, 1998, page 120.]

Functional areas and applications

NETeXPERT related management functional areas and applications as defined by ITIL, eTOM, FCAPS, and other Wikipedia sources.

*Service Level Management
*Service management
**Exception management
**Quality of service
**key performance indicators A KPI is a key part of a measurable objective, which is made up of a direction, KPI, benchmark, target and time frame.
*Performance management
**Network performance
**Network performance management
*Fault management
**Event Correlation is a technique for making sense of a large number of events and pinpointing the few events that are really important in that mass of information. Event Correlation usually takes place inside the Management Platform.
**Root cause analysis Failure-based RCA is rooted in the practice of failure analysis as employed in operations.
*Network Management
*System management
*Configuration management
*Common Information Model The Common Information Model (CIM) is an open standard that defines how managed elements in an IT environment are represented as a common set of objects and relationships between them. This is intended to allow consistent management of these managed elements, independent of their manufacturer or provider.

Solution Domains

NETeXPERT solution domains (legacy, IP, and next generation networks/resources/services):

*2G wireless
*3G wireless
*Digital subscriber line (DSL)
*IP Multimedia Subsystem

NETeXPERT System integration tools

NETeXPERT gateways and APIs support resource management, data collection, monitoring, and control.NETeXPERT communication protocols and APIs:

Application Layer

* Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
* Common management information protocol (CMIP)
* Common Object Request Broker Architecture (Corba)
* Extensible Markup Language (XML)
* Web Services
* X.25
* Transaction Language 1 (TL1)
* Secure Shell, Shell (computing)

Transport Layer


Network Layer

* IPv4, IPv6

NETeXPERT Vendor Specific Adapters

NETeXPERT has managed the following Operational Support Systems, Element Management Systems, and Network Elements from the following companies:

*Agilent Technologies
*Cisco Systems
*Comverse Technology
*Critical Path, Inc.
*Extreme Networks



* Open architecture which allows service providers the ability to access the managed information, events, KPI's, and object information easily for additional use. NETeXPERT leverages Oracle.
* Flexibility through gateways, object model, rule language, policies, and graphical clients which can be extended by customers and system integrators.
* Adaptible to various network elements, management systems, and other Operational Support Systems through various protocols through bi-directional collection, command, and control.


* Not an out of the box solution - the pure framework is a toolset. Additional applications help with time to market needs however the total solution is not out-of-the-box.
* Requires customization - each service provider has specific needs which scope and define the necessary services required for customizing a total solution.


* Applications on the framework include Fault, Performance, IP, and Activation and provided out-of-the-box.
* Applications are generic and can be applied to various domains.


External links

* [ Objective Systems Integrators]
* [ NETeXPERT Online Community]
* [ Longview Software]
* [ OSI Technical Assistance Center]
* [ SRIT (Parent Company)]

Reference Books

Plunkett, J (1996). "Plunkett's Infotech Industry Almanac" - Page 75 [ Google Books]

Minoli, D, Golway, T, and Smith, N (1996) "Planning and Managing ATM Networks" - [ Google Books] Prentice Hall PTR.

Terplan, K (1998). "Telecom Operations Management Solutions with NetExpert" [ Amazon] , [ Google Books] CRC Press LLC

Terplan, K (1999). "Web-Based Systems & Network Management" - Page 185 [ Google Books]

Terplan, K (1999). "Applications for Distributed Systems and Network Management" - Page 101 [ Google Books] Van Nostrand Reinhold

See also

Agilent Technologies. (2008, April 30). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 00:08, May 14, 2008, from

Sobha Renaissance Information Technology. (2008, April 27). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 00:09, May 14, 2008, from

Operations support systems. (2008, May 12). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 00:10, May 14, 2008, from

Communications Service Provider. (2008, April 25). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 00:27, May 14, 2008, from

Service management. (2008, May 14). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 01:01, May 14, 2008, from

Expert system. (2008, May 9). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 01:11, May 14, 2008, from

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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