- Dublin Transport Authority
Infobox Company
company_name Dublin Transport Authority
company_type = State Agency of the Department of Transport.
foundation = Date to be set by Minister for Transport upon commencing of the "Dublin Transport Authority Act 2008"
location_city =Dublin
location_country =Republic of Ireland
area_served =Dublin Metropolitan Region
industry =Public transport
parent = Department of Transport
homepage = [http://www.dublintransport.ie/ Registered domain]The Dublin Transport Authority ( _ga. Údarás Iompair Bhaile Átha Cliath) is a fully-fledged transport authority for
Dublin that has been announced by theIrish Government .Primary legislation to set up the Authority, the "Dublin Transport Authority Act 2008", was enacted inJuly 2008 . A commencement date for the legislation has yet to be officially announced, although media reports have suggested a target date ofJanuary 2009 .Organisation
The DTA will be a
body corporate consisting of the City Manager ofDublin City Council , the Chief Executive, a member of the seniormanagement team , and achairman and six other members appointed by the Minister for Transport. The Authority will have charge of public transport services in theGreater Dublin Area which is given a definition in Irish law for the first time under the Act. The counties covered by the area will be theCity of Dublin ,Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown ,South Dublin ,Fingal ,County Wicklow .County Kildare , andCounty Meath . An advisory council, consisting of local government officials and councillors, representatives ofAn Garda Siochana , theIrish Congress of Trade Unions , and business and community interests, will also be established.The DTA will subsume the activities of the current
Dublin Transportation Office .ervices
The DTA will have charge of most
public transport services within Greater Dublin. Unlike authorities such asTransport for London andRATP however, it will not normally operate services itself (although there is provision for it to do so in certain circumstances). Instead it will arrange for the provision of services via contracts with existing public and private transport operators, includingCoras Iompair Éireann and theRailway Procurement Agency as well as private operators. Although the RPA was originally intended to, like the DTO, be subsumed into the DTA, a lobbying campaign by the agency led to it retaining its separate status. The CIE companies (Dublin Bus ,Iarnród Éireann andBus Éireann ) will retain their existing services however they will now subject to direction from the DTA in however they operate within Greater Dublin.A major re-branding of all these vehicles and transport modes are also due to take place in a yet unknown colour [http://www.independent.ie/national-news/dublin-bus-feeling-offcolour-yet-again-1353864.html] .
External links
* [http://www.oireachtas.ie/viewdoc.asp?DocID=9186&&CatID=59&StartDate=01%20January%202008&OrderAscending=0 The Seanad Éireann Dublin Transport Authority Bill 2008]
* [http://www.dto.ie/ Official site - Dublin Transportation Office]
* [http://www.dublinbus.ie Official site - Dublin Bus]
* [http://www.irishrail.ie Official site - Iarnród Éireann]
* [http://www.luas.ie Official site - Luas]
* [http://www.rpa.ie Official site - RPA]
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