Ian Henderson (police officer)

Ian Henderson (police officer)

Ian Henderson is a British citizen known for his alleged use of torture to put down the Mau Mau Uprising in Kenya, and later the 1990s Uprising in Bahrain as an employee of the Bahrain government. Some journalists have referred to Mr Henderson as the "Butcher of Bahrain" due to the allegations of torture [cite news
last = Thompson
first = Tony
title = Britain silent on 'Butcher of Bahrain'
publisher = The Observer
date = 2002-06-30
url = http://observer.guardian.co.uk/politics/story/0,6903,746758,00.html
accessdate = 2007-01-07
] .


Ian Henderson was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, but lived most of his life as a Colonial Police Officer overseas. He grew up on a coffee plantation and had one sister, JoyFact|date=February 2007. He married Marie in his twenties and had two children. Henderson currently resides in Bahrain as a guest of the Al Khalifa royal family. He owns a £250,000 home named "Stoke Shallows" in Holne, Devon, England [cite news
last = Mackay
first = Neil
title = 'Bahrain butcher' flees Britain
publisher = Sunday Herald
date = 2000-01-23
url = http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4156/is_20000123/ai_n9624471
accessdate = 2007-01-01
] .

Ian Henderson was employed as the head of state of security in Bahrain for some 30 years. He retired from his position in February 1998. Despite some unproven allegations of abuse throughout his job, both Mr Henderson and the Bahraini Government has always denied his, and its own, involvement in such torture.

Prior to working in Bahrain, Ian Henderson served as a Colonial Police Officer in Kenya during the 1950s. Mr Henderson was awarded the George Medal, the highest award for bravery to non-military personnel, and later the Bar to the George Medal, for suppressing the Mau Mau Uprising. 'Ian Henderson has probably done more than any single individual to bring the Emergency to an end' wrote General Sir Gerald Lathbury when he left Kenya in 1957Fact|date=February 2007.

Henderson was honoured by HM Queen Elizabeth II with the CBE 1986, George Medal 1954 (and Bar 1955), Queen Elizabeth Coronation Medal 1953, Mentioned in Despatches 1955 and Kenya Police Medal for Distinguished Services 1952. He was honoured by Government of Bahrain with Order of Bahrain 1st Class and Bahrain Meritorious Service Medal 1st Class. [cite book
title = Honoured by the Queen: Recipients of honours
publisher = Belgravia
date = 1995
id = ISBN 0908578466

Ian Henderson was famed for his role in capturing Mau Mau rebel leader Dedan Kimathi, which he wrote a book on,with the title "The Hunt for Kimathi" [cite book
last = Henderson
first = Ian
coauthors = with Philip Goodhart
title = The Hunt for Kimathi
publisher = Hamish Hamilton
date = 1958
location = London
] , also published under the title "Man Hunt in Kenya" by Doubleday.

Torture allegations

Ian Henderson has been accused by political dissidents and international human rights agencies (including Amnesty International [cite press release
title = United Kingdom: Amnesty International welcomes investigation into Henderson's role in torture in Bahrain
publisher = Amnesty International
date = 2000-01-07
url = http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGEUR450032000?open&of=ENG-BHR
accessdate = 2007-01-07
] and Human Rights Watch [cite paper
author = Human Rights Watch
title = Routine Abuse, Routine Denial
date = June 1997
url = http://www.hrw.org/reports/1997/bahrain/
accessdate = 2007-01-07
] ) of torturing Bahrainis while being employed as the head of state of security in Bahrain for some 30 years. The political dissidents alleged that the torture was committed as a means to stamp out the opposition movement in Bahrain that called for the restoration of democracy. Ian Henderson retired from his position in February 1998 and these allegations were the subject of an investigation by the UK government. The Bahrain Government has always denied his, and its own, involvement in the torture allegations and, as a result, Ian Henderson has never been charged with these allegations. The Bahrain Government, because of Royal Decree 56 of 2002, an edict issued by King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa, grants amnesty to human rights abuses committed by any Government officials prior to 2001.

The question of the British Foreign Office's complicity in the torture has been raised in the UK Parliament several times. At a parliamentary session on 3 June 1997, MP George Galloway described Ian Henderson as "Britain's Klaus Barbie" [UK Parliament|date=3 June 1997|place=House of Commons debates|speaker=George Galloway|column=298|url=http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199798/cmhansrd/vo970603/debtext/70603-39.htm#70603-39_head0|title=Bahrain] :

cquote|Henderson might have walked from the fevered pages of a Graham Greene novel. He was an interrogator of the Mau Mau during colonial rule in Kenya in the bitter struggle for independence. So brutally efficient were his methods that, on obtaining independence for Kenya, Jomo Kenyatta tried to re-engage him in his own security apparatus. So notorious was Henderson that a demonstration was mounted by his victims and the whole affair became so scandalous that Kenyatta was forced to deport him. Via Ian Smith's Rhodesia, he ended up as the right hand man of the Al-Khalifa.

In the Gulf, Henderson is known as the butcher of Bahrain. He is the head of the security services and director of intelligence and has gathered around him the kind of British dogs of war, mercenaries, whose guns and electric shock equipment are for hire to anyone who will pay the price.

In September 1997, the European Parliament passed a resolution condemning the use of torture in Bahrain [cite paper
author = Human Rights Watch
title = Human Rights Watch World Report 1998: Bahrain
date = 1998
url = http://www.hrw.org/worldreport/Mideast-02.htm
accessdate = 2007-01-07
] , and called on Britain to order Henderson to leave the country.cite news
last = Mackay
first = Neil
title = Bahrain Butcher can't hide anymore
publisher = Sunday Herald
date = 2000-01-09
url = http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4156/is_20000109/ai_n9625141/pg_2
accessdate = 2007-01-07

In an interview published in the Sunday Herald on 21 November 1999, a Bahraini claiming to have been tortured by Henderson described the encounter:cquote|"My first experience of Henderson took place in 1982 when I was hanged like a chicken at the office of Adel Flaifel, one of Henderson's henchmen.

"I was hanged by my arms and legs when Henderson entered the room and said: 'Do you want to confess?'. He immediately assaulted me in an immoral way and after a while he left the room."

Hassan said he was naked at the time and Henderson beat him over the buttocks. He went on: "The encounter lasted about 10 minutes during which I was in severe pain. The three torturers - Flaifel, Abdulla Al Tanak and Abdulla Al Dowsari - stopped when he entered the room awaiting further instructions from him, but upon receiving satisfactory approval from him, they resumed their beating. [cite news
last = Mackay
first = Neil
title = Victims identify Scots colonel as Bahrain torturer
publisher = Sunday Herald
date = 1999-11-21
url = http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4156/is_19991121/ai_n13943239
accessdate = 2007-01-07

In Kenya, Henderson was known as the "torturer-in chief" and "was the prime mover in the preparation of bogus evidence in the 1953 trial at Kapenguria" [cite news
title = Kikuyu hammered on the Anvil
publisher = Daily Nation
date = 2004-04-15
url = http://www.ogiek.org/indepth/special-report-2.htm
accessdate = 2007-01-07
] during the Mau Mau uprising.


ee also

* Torture in Bahrain
* Human rights in Bahrain
* Adel Flaifel

External links


* [http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8207296200885546643 "Blind Eye to the Butcher" - 2002 ITV documentary about Henderson]
* [http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1407567243827985805 Channel 4 report on British complicity in human rights abuses in Bahrain]
* [http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8437221645219917285 Video: Bahrain - The Story of Constitutional Uprising]

NGO statements

* Amnesty International: [http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGEUR450032000?open&of=ENG-BHR Amnesty International welcomes investigation into Henderson's role in torture in Bahrain] (Jan 7, 2000)

* Human Rights Watch: [http://www.hrw.org/reports/1997/bahrain/ Routine Abuse, Routine Denial: Civil Rights and the Political Crisis in Bahrain] (June 1997)

News articles

* Al Waqt: [http://www.alwaqt.com/blog_art.php?baid=6127 The Kenyan Experience in Bahrain] - Dr Abdulhadi Khalaf (Feb 19, 2008)

* BBC: [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/2842535.stm Is the UK facing up to Bahrain's past?] (April 16, 2003)

* The Observer: [http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2002/jun/30/uk.world Britain silent on 'Butcher of Bahrain'] (June 30, 2002)

* The Sunday Herald: [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4156/is_20020630/ai_n12575806 New calls for arrest of 'Bahrain Butcher'] (Jun 30, 2002)

* The Guardian: [http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,339448,00.html British 'torture chief' quits] (July 4, 2000)

* The Sunday Herald: [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4156/is_20000423/ai_n13948188 Police probe alleged Bahrain torture chief] (Apr 23, 2000)

* The Sunday Herald: [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4156/is_20000123/ai_n9624471 'Bahrain butcher' flees Britain] (Jan 23, 2000)

* Human Rights Watch: [http://www.hrw.org/press/2000/01/bah0111.htm U.K. Should Open Files on Bahrain Torture] (Jan 11, 2000)

* The Sunday Herald: [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4156/is_20000109/ai_n9625141 Bahrain Butcher can't hide any more] (Jan 9, 2000)

* The Sunday Herald: [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4156/is_20000109/ai_n9625120 'Bahrain Butcher' is still at large in Britain] (Jan 9, 2000)

* The Telegraph: [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/htmlContent.jhtml?html=/archive/2000/01/08/npol08.html Gulf police chief faces Met inquiry over torture] (Jan 8, 2000)

* BBC: [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/593851.stm UK probes Bahrain torture claims] (Jan 7, 2000)

* New Statesman: [http://www.newstatesman.com/199911290061 'Britain's Klaus Barbie' still walks free] (Nov 29, 1999)

* The Sunday Herald: [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4156/is_19991121/ai_n13943239 Victims identify Scots colonel as Bahrain torturer] (Nov 21, 1999)

* Sunday Herald: [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4156/is_19990207/ai_n13936576#continue Britain's secret role in regime of terror] (Feb 7, 1999)

* The Independent: [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_19981207/ai_n14203602 Strange ethics that makes friends with a state that tortures children] (Dec 7, 1998); and the [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_19981212/ai_n14186113 response from Abdul Aziz Mubarak Al Khalifa, Bahraini ambassador to UK] (Dec 12, 1998)

* BBC: [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/58303.stm New security chief appointed in Bahrain] (Feb 20, 1998)

* The Independent: [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_19960219/ai_n14032998 Prince's police strike terror into opposition] (Feb 19, 1996)

* The Independent: [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_19960218/ai_n14032702 Briton at the heart of Bahrain's brutality rule] (Feb 18, 1996)

* The Independent: [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_19960217/ai_n14032470 Bahraini exiles tell of torture and abuse] (Feb 17, 1996)


* [http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199798/cmhansrd/vo970603/debtext/70603-39.htm#70603-39_head0 British House of Commons debates - col. 298: Bahrain] (3 June 1997)
* [http://www.vob.org/index.php?show=news&action=article&id=19&lang=english Voice of Bahrain: Ian Henderson]
* [http://www.vob.org/index.php?show=news&action=article&id=219&lang=english The Story of the Tortured and the Torturer]
* [http://www.alwasatnews.com/newspager_pages/ViewDetails.aspx?news_id=114847&news_type=LOC&writer_code= Ian Henderson between the March 1965 Intifada and the 1990s Intifada] - Al Wasat Newspaper, March 2, 2008

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