Thomas Molnar

Thomas Molnar

Thomas Molnar or Molnar, Thomas Steven (born Molnár Tamás in 1921 in Hungary) is a devoutly Catholic philosopher, historian and political theorist. He is visiting professor of philosophy of religion at the University of Budapest and holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from Columbia University. He is the author of over thirty books in French and English on a variety of subjects including religion, politics, and education. He emigrated to the United States, where he taught for many years at Brooklyn College. Molnar says he was inspired by Russell Kirk's "The Conservative Mind".


*Bernanos: his political thought and prophecy. 1960.
*The decline of the intellectual. 1961.
*The future of education. Foreword by Russell Kirk. 1961.
*The two faces of American foreign policy. 1962.
*Africa; a political travelogue, by Thomas Molnar. 1965.
*L'Afrique du Sud. 1966.
*South West Africa; the last pioneer country. 1966.
*Spotlight on South West Africa. 1966.
*Utopia, the perennial heresy. 1967.
*Ecumenism or new reformation? 1968.
*Sartre: ideologue of our time. 1968.
*The counter-revolution. 1969.
*La gauche vue d'en face. 1970.
*The American dilemma, a consideration of United States leadership in world. 1971.
*Nationalism in the space age; five lectures given by Thomas Molnar.1971.
*God and the knowledge of reality. 1973.
*L'Animal politique : essai. 1974.
*Authority and its enemies.1976.
*Le socialisme sans visage : l'avènement du tiers modèle. 1976.
*Dialogues and ideologues.1977.
*Christian humanism : a critique of the secular city and its ideology. 1978.
*Le modèle dèfigurè : l'Amèrique de Tocqueville á Carter. 1978.
*Politics and the state : the Catholic view. 1980.
*Theists and atheists : a typology of non-belief. 1980.
*Le Dieu immanent : la grande tentation de la pensée allemande. 1982.
*Tiers-Monde : idéologie, réalité. 1982.
*L'éclipse du sacré : discours et réponses. 1986. avec Alain de Benoist
*The pagan temptation. 1987.
*Twin powers : politics and the sacred. 1988.
*The Church, pilgrim of centuries. 1990.
*L'Europe entre parenthéses. 1990.
*Philosophical grounds. 1991.
*The emerging Atlantic culture. 1994.
*Archetypes of thought. 1996.
*Filozófusok istene. 1996.
*Return to philosophy. 1996.
*A Magyar Szent Korona és a szentkorona-tan az ezredfordulón (edited by Tóth Zoltán József)
*Századvégi mérleg : válogatott írások. 1999.
*A pogány kísértés. 2000.
*Igazság és történelem 2000.
*Bennünk lakik-e az Isten? 2002.
*Válogatás a Magyar Nemzetnek és az asztalfióknak írt publicisztikákból . 2002.
*A beszélő Isten. 2003.
*A jobb és a bal : tanulmányok. 2004.


*Allitt, Patrick "Catholic Intellectuals And Conservative Politics In America 1950-1985", Cornell University Press, 1993.
*Williamson, Chilton "The Conservative Bookshelf: Essential Works That Impact Today's Conservative Thinkers", Citadel Press, 2004.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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