- Thomas Molnar
Thomas Molnar or Molnar, Thomas Steven (born Molnár Tamás in 1921 in
Hungary ) is a devoutlyCatholic philosopher ,historian andpolitical theorist . He is visiting professor of philosophy of religion at the University of Budapest and holds a Ph.D. in philosophy fromColumbia University . He is the author of over thirty books in French and English on a variety of subjects including religion, politics, and education. He emigrated to theUnited States , where he taught for many years atBrooklyn College . Molnar says he was inspired byRussell Kirk 's "The Conservative Mind".Works
*Bernanos: his political thought and prophecy. 1960.
*The decline of the intellectual. 1961.
*The future of education. Foreword byRussell Kirk . 1961.
*The two faces of American foreign policy. 1962.
*Africa; a political travelogue, by Thomas Molnar. 1965.
*L'Afrique du Sud. 1966.
*South West Africa; the last pioneer country. 1966.
*Spotlight on South West Africa. 1966.
*Utopia, the perennial heresy. 1967.
*Ecumenism or new reformation? 1968.
*Sartre: ideologue of our time. 1968.
*The counter-revolution. 1969.
*La gauche vue d'en face. 1970.
*The American dilemma, a consideration of United States leadership in world. 1971.
*Nationalism in the space age; five lectures given by Thomas Molnar.1971.
*God and the knowledge of reality. 1973.
*L'Animal politique : essai. 1974.
*Authority and its enemies.1976.
*Le socialisme sans visage : l'avènement du tiers modèle. 1976.
*Dialogues and ideologues.1977.
*Christian humanism : a critique of the secular city and its ideology. 1978.
*Le modèle dèfigurè : l'Amèrique de Tocqueville á Carter. 1978.
*Politics and the state : the Catholic view. 1980.
*Theists and atheists : a typology of non-belief. 1980.
*Le Dieu immanent : la grande tentation de la pensée allemande. 1982.
*Tiers-Monde : idéologie, réalité. 1982.
*L'éclipse du sacré : discours et réponses. 1986. avecAlain de Benoist
*The pagan temptation. 1987.
*Twin powers : politics and the sacred. 1988.
*The Church, pilgrim of centuries. 1990.
*L'Europe entre parenthéses. 1990.
*Philosophical grounds. 1991.
*The emerging Atlantic culture. 1994.
*Archetypes of thought. 1996.
*Filozófusok istene. 1996.
*Return to philosophy. 1996.
*A Magyar Szent Korona és a szentkorona-tan az ezredfordulón (edited by Tóth Zoltán József)
*Századvégi mérleg : válogatott írások. 1999.
*A pogány kísértés. 2000.
*Igazság és történelem 2000.
*Bennünk lakik-e az Isten? 2002.
*Válogatás aMagyar Nemzet nek és az asztalfióknak írt publicisztikákból . 2002.
*A beszélő Isten. 2003.
*A jobb és a bal : tanulmányok. 2004.References
*Allitt, Patrick "Catholic Intellectuals And Conservative Politics In America 1950-1985", Cornell University Press, 1993.
*Williamson, Chilton "The Conservative Bookshelf: Essential Works That Impact Today's Conservative Thinkers", Citadel Press, 2004.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.