Johannes Urzidil

Johannes Urzidil

Johannes Urzidil (February 3, 1896 - November 2, 1970) was a Czech-German writer, poet, historian, and journalist. Born in Prague, he died in Rome.

Urzidil was educated in Prague, studying German, art history, and Slavic languages before turning to journalism and writing. His initial efforts in poetry were influenced by Expressionism, and were published under the pseudonym Hans Elmar. He also worked as a writer and editor of the monthly journal "Der Mensch". Among his acquaintances during this period were Franz Werfel and Franz Kafka. From 1922 until 1933 he advised the press section of the German embassy in Prague. Czechoslovakia was occupied by Nazi Germany in 1939, causing Urzidil to emigrate to England; in 1946 he came to the United States, acquiring American citizenship in 1946.

Although he published poetry, Urzidil is best known for his prose which, though written in exile, reflects his Bohemian heritage. Among his more notable works are a collection of short stories, "The Lost Beloved" (1956; the title refers to Prague); the novel "Der Trauermantel", and the story collection "Prague Triptych" (whose composition is derived from that of an altarpiece).

Urzidil won a number of prizes in his career, including the Charles Veillon Prize (1957) and the Großer Österreichischer Staatspreis (1964). He died in Rome in 1970.

The Main-belt Asteroid 70679 Urzidil is named after Urzidil.

External links

* [ "Guide to the Papers of Johannes and Gertrude Urzidil" at Leo Baeck Institute] en icon
* [ Website of the Johannes Urzidil Society, with detailed biography, bibliography etc.] cs icon
* [ Detailed Biography at] de icon


* [ Johannes Urzidil at]
* [ Biography at the Český Krumlov Encyclopedia]

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