- Female Changeling
Star Trek character|if=|Title = Female Changeling
bgcolor = #FF8C00
Caption = Female Changeling
Size = 250px
Species = Changeling
Gender =Female
Planet = Rogue planet in theOmarion Nebula
Position = Leader of the Dominion forces in the Alpha Quadrant
Affiliation = Dominion
Portrayed =Salome Jens The Female Changeling (also known as the Founder Leader in spin-off texts; no actual name for her is ever given), played by
Salome Jens , is afictional character in theStar Trek series "". As ashapeshifting Founder, she is shown assuming several different forms: she appears gelatinous in several episodes, including "The Search, Part I", and impersonatesKira Nerys in "Heart of Stone". In "Behind the Lines", she arrives in the Alpha Quadrant and commands the Dominion's forces in their campaign to take over the quadrant, assisted byaide de camp Weyoun . She is characterized by ruthless efficiency and a distrust for "solids," even those who lead races with which the Dominion is allied. She would order the death of any subordinate, including entire races, without a moment's hesitation."
Treachery, Faith, and the Great River " reveals that the Female Changeling, like the other Founders, has become infected with a deadly virus designed bySection 31 to eradicate the Founders. In "Deep Space Nine"'s finale, Odo cures the Female Changeling and offers to share the cure with the rest of the Founders if the Female Changeling orders a Dominion surrender. She agrees, offering no resistance to being taken into custody, and shortly thereafter signs armistice papers aboard Deep Space Nine that officially conclude the Dominion War.Appearances
* "The Search, Parts I and II"
* "Heart of Stone"
* "Broken Link"
* "Behind the Lines"
* "Favor the Bold"
* "Sacrifice of Angels"
* "Treachery, Faith and the Great River"
* "Penumbra"
* "'Til Death Do Us Part"
* "Strange Bedfellows"
* "The Changing Face of Evil"
* "Tacking Into the Wind"
* "The Dogs of War"
* "What You Leave Behind, Parts I and II"External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.