

There are several meanings of the word Babi

* Babi Dynasty, founded in 1735 by Muhammed Sher Khan Babi (r.1748-1758), Nawabs of this dynasty went on to rule over Junagadh in Gujarat, from the 18th to the 20th century.
*Babi enters in various Indian titles
*Babi is a nickname for the greek name Charalampos (Χαράλαμπος)
*Babi is the name of a baboon god in Egyptian mythology.
*A Bábí is the name for a follower of the Báb
*"Babi" is a word in Malay, Indonesian and the Kapampangan language in the Philippines for "pig", and is a big insult in Malaysian culture.
*BABI is also a Mobile Suit name in anime Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny. Codename:AMA-953 BABI
*Lord Babi, from the Golden Sun video game series.

Babi can also be a surname:
*Parveen Babi, Indian actress
*Baby Face Babi, united states rapper

Babi can also be a nickname:
*Babi Xavier, a Brazilian actress, model and TV hostess

babi tuh hewan dodol

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