- FluxBB
caption=FluxBB 1.3 Screenshot
developer=FluxBB.org Developers
latest_release_date = release date|2008|07|13
latest_preview_version=1.3 Beta 2
operating_system=PHP /MySQL
genre=Internet forum
website= [http://fluxbb.org fluxbb.org]FluxBB aims to be a fast and lightweight
PHP -powereddiscussion board . It is released under theGNU General Public License [http://www.ohloh.net/projects/FluxBB/analyses/latest Ohloh code analysis] ] [http://open.srcphp.com/projects/93 Open source PHP] ] . Its primary goals are to be faster, smaller and less graphically intensive when compared to other discussion boards. FluxBB incorporates fewer features than other, comparable forum scripts, choosing to focus on the primary functionality of an online forum. Features that are not deemed as essential to the software are often implemented either by the development team or by users as extensions [http://fluxbb.org/wiki/community_extensions Community extensions] ] . As a result of this more focused feature set, FluxBB is generally faster and outputs smaller, semantically correctXHTML and CSS-compliant pages. [http://fluxbb.org/about/ About FluxBB] ]Currently, FluxBB runs on a number of
operating system s that are able to support thePHP scripting language. To store its data, FluxBB relies on eitherMySQL ,PostgreSQL orSQLite . [ [http://fluxbb.org/about/requirements.php Requirements of FluxBB] ]History
FluxBB is a fork of
PunBB which was created by Rickard Andersson. In 2007, PunBB was sold to a commercial company. Development continued under the direction of Rickard Andersson until April 2008. At that time Rickard Andersson announced he would be ceasing his active involvement with the project, at least temporarily.In light of the changed circumstances the remaining members of the development team decided to fork the project in order to regain control over future project direction. FluxBB was the result of this decision.
The current stable release is FluxBB 1.2.20. FluxBB 1.2.18 is an update to PunBB 1.2.17. The next version, FluxBB 1.3, is under active development and is currently in a beta stage. [ [http://fluxbb.org/downloads/ Download FluxBB] ]
FluxBB was announced as a finalist in
SourceForge.net 's [https://sourceforge.net/community/cca08 2008 Community Choice Awards] in the "Best New Project" category [http://sourceforge.net/community/cca08-finalists Sourceforge CCA 2008 finalists] ] .Features
FluxBB's default theme is called "Oxygen".
* Semantic and valid
* SupportsMySQL ,PostgreSQL andSQLite
* Support for translation and per-user language settings
* Extension system that allows functionality to be changed or added without directly editing the source (v1.3)
* Full support forUTF-8 (v1.3)
* Distributed under GNU General Public Licence
* Multiple themes with per-user settingsFluxBB 1.3, which is currently under development, adds a one-click extension system which will allow users to easily extend features and functionality. Version 1.3 also improves markup and
CSS . [ [http://fluxbb.org/about/development.php FluxBB Development] ]Release history
See also
Comparison of Internet forum software (PHP)
*PunBB External links
* [http://fluxbb.org FluxBB.org]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.