George Pachymeres

George Pachymeres

Georgius Pachymeres (1242 – c. 1310), Byzantine historian and miscellaneous writer, was born at Nicaea, in Bithynia, where his father had taken refuge after the capture of Constantinople by the Latins in 1204. On the expulsion of the Crusaders by Michael VIII Palaeologus, Pachymeres settled in Constantinople, studied law, entered the church, and subsequently became chief advocate of the church and chief justice of the imperial court. His literary activity was considerable, his most important work being a Byzantine history in thirteen books, in continuation of that of George Acropolites from 1261 (or rather 1255) to 1308, containing the history of the reigns of Michael and Andronicus II Palaeologus. He was also the author of rhetorical exercises on hackneyed sophistical themes; of a "Quadrivium" (arithmetic, music, geometry, astronomy), valuable for the history of music and astronomy in the Middle Ages; a general sketch of Aristotelian philosophy; a paraphrase of the speeches and letters of Dionysius Areopagita; poems, including an autobiography; and a description of the square of the "Augustaeum", and the column erected by Justinian in the church of Saint Sophia to commemorate his victories over the Persians. The "History" has been edited by I Bekker (1835) in the "Corpus scriptorum hist. byzantinae"; also in JP Migne, "Patrologia Graeca", vol. cxliii, cxliv; for editions of the minor works see Karl Krumbacher, "Geschichte der byzantinischen Litteratur" (1897).


*1911|article=Georgius Pachymeres|url= English translation with commentary of Books I and II (up to the recovery of Constantinople in 1261), made by Nathan Cassidy, exists as a PhD thesis in the library of the University of Western Australia.

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* [ Opera Omnia by Migne Patristica Graeca with analytical indexes]

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