

Re-exportation is when a member of a customs union charges lower tariffs to external nations to win trade, and then re-exports the same product within the customs union, but tariff-free.

The export without further processing or transformation of a good that has been imported. It is also called Entrepot Trade.

Definition of Re-export:

Re-exports are foreign goods exported in the same state as previously imported, from the free circulation area, premises for inward processing or industrial free zones, directly to the rest of the world and from premises for customs warehousing or commercial free zones, to the rest of the world.

External links

[ Thai tax law on re-exportation.]

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  • exportation — [ ɛkspɔrtasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1734, d apr. angl. exportation; « action d emporter » XVIe; lat. exportatio → exporter 1 ♦ Action d exporter; sortie de marchandises nationales vendues à un pays étranger. ⇒ expédition, réexportation, vente. (1988) Dr.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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