

Balch is a surname that may apply to:
*Antony Balch (1937-1980), British film director
*Emily Greene Balch (1867-1961), American pacifist and Nobel Peace Prize recipient
*Rear Admiral George Beall Balch (1821-1908), American
**USS Balch, named for Admiral Balch
**USS Balch (DD-363) and
**USS Balch (DD-50) also named for Admiral Balch
*Herbert E. Balch (1869-1958), British archaeologist and caver
*Maj. Joseph Pope Balch (1822-1872), American Civil War veteran of Rhode Island
*John Balch, builder of the John Balch House (1679), in Beverly, Massachusetts
*John Henry Balch (1896-1980), United States Navy
*Oscar B. Balch, American decorator who built the Oscar B. Balch House (1911) by Frank Lloyd Wright
*Dr Pamela Balch, president of West Virginia Wesleyan College
*Dr. Reginald Ernest Balch (1894-1994), British Canadian photographer and scientist
*Robert Balch (1945- ), American sociologist
*Stephen Bloomer Balch (1747-1833), American Presbyterian minister
*Stephen H. Balch, American scholar
*Thomas Balch (1821-1877), American historian

It may apply to
*Balch & Bingham, law firm in Birmingham, Alabama
*Balch Cave in the Mendip Hills, Somerset, England, named for Herbert E. Balch
*Balch Creek in Portland, Oregon, named for settler Danforth Balch
*Balch (crater), a crater on Venus
*Balch Fieldhouse, an arena in Boulder, Colorado
*Balch Hall, at Cornell University
*Balch House (Cincinnati, Ohio), a registered historic building
*Balch Pond, on the Maine-New Hampshire border
*Balch Springs, Texas

For the mildly intoxicating Mayan drink,see Balché.

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