Carlo Scorza

Carlo Scorza

Carlo Scorza 1897 - 1988 was an Italian member of Partito Nazionale Fascista that rose to the position of segretary of the party before the end of Fascism in 1943. [Montanelli Indro, Storia d'Italia, RCS editore,2003]


Born in Paola he partecipated in the World War I in the corps of Bersaglieri where he reached the rank of "Tenente". After the war he joined the fascist party and he partecipated in act of violence against communist and socialist in the area around Lucca. After the March on Rome he worked for a brief time a journalist then he was named "Federale" ( head of the fascist Party ) of the Province of Lucca then in 1931 he was named member of the "Direttorio" ( an high national body ) of the National Fascist Party. He strongly opposed the Azione Cattolica and his behavoir forced Mussolini to dismiss him from the Direttorio [ [] website with Scorza's biography] . He participated in the Second Italo-Abyssinian War and Spanish Civil War. In 1940 he came back to national political activities.

Segretary of PNF

On 21 December 1942, after the Battle of El Alamein, he was named segretary of Natinal Fascist Party but he failed in his target to revitalise the Fascism in Italy. During the night of 25 July his vote was against the motion of Dino Grandi but the majority of the Fascist Grand Council was in favour, this fact led to crise of fascism and the arrest by Carabinieri of Mussolini. After the Armistice with Italy he was arrested by the force of Italian Social Republic because he the days after the 25 July he didn't oppose the dissolving of Fascist Party ordered by the government of Pietro Badoglio but in 1944 he was freed following an order of Mussolini.

Later life

He 1945 he was arrested by the allies and sentece to 30 years of jail for his involvment with fascsm but he escaped from prison and fled to Argentina. After that an amnesty was granted he come back to Italy where he dies in 1988.


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