- AM-087
IUPAC_name = (6aR,10aR)-3-(2-methyl-6-bromohex-2-yl)-6,6,9-trimethyl-6a,7,10,10a-tetrahydrobenzo [c] chromen-1-ol
width= 240
PubChem= 10717065
C=23 | H=33 | Br=1 | O=2
molecular_weight = 421.410 g/mol
smiles = CC3(C)C1CC=C(C)CC1c2c(O)cc(C(C)(C)CCCCBr)cc2O3
metabolism =
excretion =
pregnancy_category =
legal_status =
routes_of_administration=AM-087 is an
analgesic drug which is acannabinoid agonist . It is a derivative of Δ8THC substituted on the 3-position side chain. AM-087 is a potent CB1 agonist with a Ki of 0.43nM, making it around 100x more potent thanTHC itself. This is most likely due to the bulky bromine substituent on the side chain. [Charalambous A, Lin S, Marciniak G, Banijamali A, Friend FL, Compton DR, Martin BR, Makriyannis A. Pharmacological evaluation of halogenated delta 8-THC analogs. "Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behaviour". 1991 Nov;40(3):509-12. PMID 1666915] [Nikas SP, Grzybowska J, Papahatjis DP, Charalambous A, Banijamali AR, Chari R, Fan P, Kourouli T, Lin S, Nitowski AJ, Marciniak G, Guo Y, Li X, Wang CL, Makriyannis A. The role of halogen substitution in classical cannabinoids: a CB1 pharmacophore model. "AAPS Journal". 2004 Oct 19;6(4):e30. PMID 15760095] [Roger Pertwee. Cannabinoids. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology Volume 168, p 269. Springer. ISBN 3-540-22565-X]References
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