Bandid Jaiyen

Bandid Jaiyen

Bandid Jaiyen is a former badminton player who won numerous Thai national titles and also excelled internationally between the late 1960's and the early 1980's. Thailand's leading singles player for a decade, the diminutive Jaiyen performed exceptionally well in Thomas Cup (men's international team) competition. He played a leading role in Thailand's upset win over Malaysia in Asian zone final of the 1973 Thomas Cup series [Jack Van Praag, "National and International News," "Badminton USA", May 1973, 10.] . Noted for his exquisite strokes and tactical astuteness, he was the only player to win a match against an Indonesian opponent in the 1976 Thomas Cup series, and had been one of only two to do so in the 1973 series [Davis, Pat. The "Guinness Book of Badminton" (Enfield, Middlesex, England: Guinness Superlatives Ltd., 1983) 125, 126.] . Among other international tournaments, Jaiyen won the South East Asian Peninsular singles title in 1975 ["Malaysia and Thailand Share Southeast Asian Titles," "World Badminton", February 1976, 15.] , the Canadian Open singles title in 1976, and the Auckland International singles title in 1977 ["World Champions are Defeated in New Zealand," "World Badminton", October-November 1977, 10.] .


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