

Taxobox | color = lightgreen

name = "Ixia"

image_width = 240px
image_caption = Ixia
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Liliopsida
ordo = Asparagales
familia = Iridaceae
subfamilia = Ixioideae
tribus = Ixieae
genus = "Ixia"
genus_authority = L.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text

The genus Ixia consists of a number of cormous plants native to South Africa from the Iridaceae family and Ixioideae subfamily. Some of them are known as the corn lily. Some distinctive traits include: sword-like leaves, and long wiry stems with star-shaped flowers. It usually prefers well-drained soil. The popular corn lily has specific, not very intense fragrance as vegetables. That's why its often visited by many insects such as bees. The "Ixia" is also used sometimes as ornamental plant.


The genus "Ixia" includes the following species:

*"Ixia aurea" J. C. Manning & Goldblatt
*"Ixia acaulis" Goldblatt & J. C. Manning
*"Ixia brevituba" G.J. Lewis
*"Ixia brunneobractea" G.J. Lewis
*"Ixia campanulata" Houtt.
*"Ixia capillaris" L. f.
*"Ixia cochlearis" G.J. Lewis
*"Ixia collina" Goldbl. & Snijman
*"Ixia curta" Andr
*"Ixia curvata" G.J. Lewis
*"Ixia dubia" Vent.
*"Ixia erubescens" Goldbl.
*"Ixia esterhuyseniae" De Vos
*"Ixia flexuosa" L.
*"Ixia frederickii" De Vos
*"Ixia fucata"
**"Ixia fucata" Ker-Gawl, var. "filifolia" G.J. Lewis
**"Ixia fucata" Ker-Gawl. var. "fucata"
*"Ixia gloriosa" G.J Lewis
*"Ixia latifolia
**"Ixia latifolia" Delaroche var. "angustifolia" G.J. Lewis
**"Ixia latifolia" Delaroche var. "curviramosa" G.J. Lewis
**"Ixia latifolia" Delaroche var. "latifolia"
**"Ixia latifolia" Delaroche var. "parviflora" G.J. Lewis
**"Ixia latifolia" Delaroche var. "ramulosa" G.J. Lewis
*"Ixia leipoldtii" G.J. Lewis
*"Ixia leucantha" Jacq.
*"Ixia longituba" N.E.Br.
**"Ixia longituba" N. E. Br. var. "bellendenii" R. C. Foster
**"Ixia longituba" N. E. Br. var. "longituba"
*"Ixia lutea" Eckl. var. "lutea"
*"Ixia lutea" Eckl. var. "ovata" (Andr.) B. Nord
*"Ixia maculata"
**"Ixia maculata" L. var. "fusco-citrina" (Desf.ex DC) G.J. Lewis
**"Ixia maculata" L. var. "intermedia" G.J. Lewis
**"Ixia maculata" L. var. "maculata"
*"Ixia marginifolia" (Salisb) G.J Lewis
*"Ixia metelerkampiae" L. Bol.
*"Ixia micranda"
**"Ixia micranda" Bak. var. "confusa" G.J Lewis
**"Ixia micranda" Bak. var. "micranda"
**"Ixia micranda" Bak. var. "minor" G.J Lewis
*"Ixia monadelpha" Delaroche
*"Ixia mostertii" De Vos
*"Ixia odorata" Ker-Gawl var. "hesperanthoides" G.J Lewis
*"Ixia odorata" Ker-Gawl var. "odorata"
*"Ixia orientalis" L.Bol.
*"Ixia paniculata" Delaroche
*"Ixia patens"
**"Ixia patens"Ait. var. "linearifolia" G.J Lewis
**"Ixia patens" Ait var. "patens"
*"Ixia pauciflora" G.J Lewis
*"Ixia polystachya"
**"Ixia polystachya" L. var. "crassifolia" G.J Lewis
**"Ixia polystachya" L. var. "lutea" (Ker-Gawl) G.J Lewis
**"Ixia polystachya" M. De Vos var. "longistylus" var. "nova"
**"Ixia polystachya" L. var. "polystachya"
*"Ixia pumilio" Goldbl. & Snijman
*"Ixia purpureorosea" G. J Lewis
*"Ixia rapunculoides"
**"Ixia rapunculoides" Del. var. "flaccida" G.J Lewis
**"Ixia rapuncuolides" Del. var. "namaquana" (L.Bol.) G. J Lewis
**"Ixia rapunculoides" Del. var. "rapunculoides"
**"Ixia rapunculoides" Del. var. "rigida" G. J Lewis
**"Ixia rapunculoides" Del. var. "robusta" G.J Lewis
**"Ixia rapunculoides" Del. var "subpendula" G.J. Lewis
*"Ixia rouxii" G.J Lewis
*"Ixia scillaris" L. var." scillaris"
*"Ixia scillaris" L. var. "subundulata" G.J Lewis
*"Ixia splendida" G.J. Lewis
*"Ixia stohriae" L. Bol.
*"Ixia stolonifera" G.J Lewis
*"Ixia stricta" (Eckl. ex Klatt) G. J Lewis
*"Ixia tenuifolia" Vahl.
*"Ixia thomasiae" Goldblo.
*"Ixia trifolia" G. J Lewis FP
*"Ixia trinervata" (Bak.) G. J Lewis
*"Ixia vanzijliae" L. Bol.
*"Ixia versicolor" G.J Lewis
*"Ixia vinacea" G. J Lewis
*"Ixia viridiflora" Lam.
**"Ixia viridiflora" Lam. var "minor" De Vos
**"Ixia viridiflora" Lam. var "viridflora" Thunb.



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