

Aquajogging started in America as an exercise method for pre and post surgery patients. Aquajogging has proven a very good form of exercise for elderly people and overweight people because of its low impact to the muscles and its effectiveness due to the water resistance. This combination avoids muscle soreness, stress fractures and aching joints.

To start aquajogging, only swimming wear and an aquajogging belt are needed. The belt helps with maintaining the proper upright position and supports you in the water. Special gloves and shoes can also benefit with the sport. The aquajogging technique is not difficult but use of the belt is very important.


Aquajogging World Championships

The Aquajogging World Championships are a yearly event, which has been organized since 2004 in Finland. There are different categories: Relay (3 x 50 meter), Marathon (1000 meter) and individual competitions (50 meter).

The current world record for the relay is from 2006 by Katja and the Girls, Katja Backman, Jenni Salonen, Reetta Salminen in a time of 03:46 (min:sec). Jouni Laukkanen holds the world record at the marathon competition with 27:33 (min:sec) (2006). He also holds the world record for the individual competitions 00:54 (min:sec) (2007). Also in 2008, the Aquajogging World Championships will be held, this time it will be possible for anybody in the world to participate.

International records are held by the Netherlands, relay (3x50m) with a time of 06:59 (min:sec). Team: Dutch Association in Finland: Jos Helmich/Kaija Helmich/Marina Nijhuis. Sweden holds a record in the relay (3x50m) as well, with a time of 10:01,6 (team: Swedish aquajogging society: Pierre Lindgren, Eva Nordlander, Tanja Sergeeva). Germany has a record in the marathon by Erik Hass with a time of 35.09. Finally, Hanna Wierenga from the Netherlands holds the record in the individual competition for girls until 18 (25 meter) with a time of 00:56 (min:sec). [1]


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