- Tiphiidae
image_width = 250px
image_caption = matingThynninae on "Xanthorrhoea "
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropoda
classis =Insecta
ordo =Hymenoptera
subordo =Apocrita
superfamilia =Vespoidea
familia = Tiphiidae
subdivision_ranks = Subfamilies
subdivision =Anthoboscinae Brachycistidinae Diamminae Methochinae Myzininae Thynninae Tiphiinae Tiphiidae (also known as the Tiphiid wasps or, rarely, flower wasps) is a family of large solitary
wasp s whose larvae are almost universallyectoparasitoid s of variousbeetle larvae, especially those in the superfamilyScarabaeoidea .Most species are small, but they can be up to 30 mm long. The females of some subfamilies (all
Brachycistidinae ,Diamminae ,Methochinae , andThynninae ) are wingless, and hunt ground-dwelling (fossorial ) beetle larvae, or (in one species)mole cricket s. The prey is paralysed with the female's sting and an egg lain upon it so the wasp larva has a ready supply of food. In species where both sexes are winged, males are similar in size to the females, but much more slender. The males of species with wingless females, however, are often much larger than the females and have wings, the adults mating in the air, with the female carried by the male'sgenitalia ("see photo"). Adults feed onnectar and are minorpollinator s. As some of the ground-dwelling scarab species attacked by tiphiids are pests, some of these wasps are considered beneficial as biological control agents.Family Description
See [http://delta-intkey.com/britin/hym/www/tiphiida.htm] Also Wing venation image at [http://www.inhs.uiuc.edu/cee/biocontrol/parasites/graphics/tiphiidae.g]
Blue Ant ("Diamma bicolor")
* "Tiphia " sp. from the German Wikipage [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bild:Tiphia.jpg]
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