

A roving is a long and narrow bundle of fiber with a twist to hold the fiber together. It is usually used to spin worsted yarn, but can be used to spin woolen yarn as well. A roving can be created by carding or combing the fiber, and is then drawn into long strips where the fiber is parallel. [Freund, Kimberlie and Norton, Marjorie J.T., "Broadwoven Fabrics", USITC Publication 3410: 4 ISBN 1-42-895826-6] [ [ "Spinning Prep/Combing Lab"] , International Textile Center] Roving is similar to sliver.

When roving has been created by carding, the fibers are less parallel and are not of uniform length. Carded rovings look fluffier than combed rovings, which look smooth and have a high luster. The fiber in combed rovings tend to be of a fairly uniform length due to the method of preparation.

Pencil roving is a type of roving that has been drawn until it is the size of a fat pencil. It can be used by spinners with minimal drafting. Knitters also use pencil roving, similar to Lopi style yarns, or when making a thrummed item.

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