WEVL — ist ein US amerikanischer Radiosender aus Memphis, Tennessee. WEVL sendet in Memphis auf 89,9 MHz (UKW). Geschichte Der seit 1976 existierende Sender wird vor allem von Freiwilligen betrieben und hat nur drei festangestellte Mitarbeiter. Die DJs… … Deutsch Wikipedia
WEVL — FM 89.9. Memphis, Tennessee (Community » Radio Stations) … Abbreviations dictionary
Memphis (Tennessee) — Memphis Spitzname: The River City, The Bluff City, M Town Luftaufnahme von Memphis mit dem Mississippi im Hintergrund … Deutsch Wikipedia
Freeform (radio format) — Freeform, or freeform radio, is a radio station programming format in which the disc jockey is given total control over what music to play, regardless of music genre or commercial interests. Freeform radio stands in contrast to most commercial… … Wikipedia
Mud Boy and the Neutrons — is a Memphis rock music band who influenced the Memphis alternative rock scene in the 1970s through the 1990s, inspiring groups like Tav Falco s Panther Burns, North Mississippi Allstars (featuring two of Jim Dickinson s sons), Big Ass Truck, and … Wikipedia
Jessie Mae Hemphill — CareerShe began playing the guitar at the age of seven and also played drums in various local Mississippi fife and drum bands.The first field recordings of her work were made by blues researcher George Mitchell in 1967 and ethnomusicologist Dr.… … Wikipedia
Big Ass Truck — was an American rock band incorporating elements of hip hop and funk with a heavy psychedelic influence. This was a full band, with the creative addition of a DJ spinning records. Hailing from Memphis, Tennessee Big Ass Truck originally formed… … Wikipedia
Americana airplay panel — The R R Americana airplay panel is a list of Americana music stations that are monitored by Nielsen BDS. The stations are ranked by the highest audience cumes based on Arbitron ratings and are modified twice a yearReporting panels*KGSR/Austin… … Wikipedia
Culture of Memphis, Tennessee — For historical populations, see History of Memphis, Tennessee. Welcome to Memphis sign on US 51 (2008) Memphis, Tennessee has a long history of distinctive contributions to the culture of the American South and beyond. Although it is an important … Wikipedia
ЭПИДЕМИОЛОГИЯ — (от греч. epidemia эпидемия и logos учение), учение об эпидемиях, наука, ставящая своей задачей изучение законов возникновения, развития и угасания эпидемий . В этом смысле слово Э. полностью вытеснило старое слово «лоймология»,… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия