

Persone is a rock trio from Stockholm, Sweden whose songs are sung in Esperanto, formed in late February and early March 1986 by Martin Wiese, Borje Lund, Bertilo Wennergren and Per Ola Axelsson. The band has comprised the current members since 1990.

Persone often plays concerts at conventions for young Esperanto speakers, for example the International Youth Congress ("Internacia Junulara Kongreso") and the International Seminar ("Internacia Seminario"). The group has come out with five albums to date, from the cassette "62 minutoj" (1987) to the rock CD "...sed estas ne" (1999), and the acoustic CD "Sen" (2002).

Band members

Current Lineup (1990-)
* Martin Wiese - electric guitar, lead singer
* Anders Grop - bass guitar, vocals
* Bertilo Wennergren - drums, vocals

Third Lineup (1989-1990):
* Martin Wieseelectric guitar, lead singer
* Borje Lundelectric guitar, bass guitar , vocals
* Bertilo Wennergrendrums, vocals

Second Lineup (1988-1989):
* Martin Wieseelectric guitar, lead singer
* Borje Lundelectric guitar, bass guitar, vocals
* Bertilo Wennergrendrums, vocals
* Benedikte Weinreichsynthesizer

Original Lineup (1986-1988):
* Martin Wieseelectric guitar, lead singer
* Borje Lundelectric guitar, bass guitar, vocals
* Bertilo Wennergrendrums, vocals
* Per Ola Axelssonsaxophone, vocals


Persone's style sometimes uses acoustics, following in the steps of Simon and Garfunkel, but it is mostly electronic, similar to that of The Police or U2. Today it is one of the most widely-known groups in Esperanto music and Esperanto culture in general.


The group was originally created in 1986 for the first Cultural Esperanto Festival (Kultura Esperanto-Festivalo). The idea came from Borje Lund, who also came up with the name: a simple play on words between "person-e" ("personally") and "per-son-e" ("through sound") and recruited the other three members: Martin Wiese, Bertilo Wennegren and Per Ola Axelsson. Their first practice was on March 7, 1986, and many more took place continuously until May 9 in a house in Stockholm. The concert at the Cultural Esperanto Festival took place on May 17 in the same city, and Persone received an overwhelming positive public response, after which the band decided to stay together.


*62 (Sesdek Du) Minutoj (1987)
*#De lPraa Tempo Ĝis la Nun
*#Tute Sekura
*#La Bonurbo
*#Ĉu Al Paca Cel
*#Ĉu Vi Pentas?
*#Longe For
*#Bluso En Rubuj
*#Nur Por la Pano
*#Mia Knabino
*#Portanto De la Lun
*# Knaboj

*En la Spegulo (1991)
*#Kio Ajn
*#En la Spegulo
*#Ĉu Neniam Plu
*#Mi Ne Scias
*#Folioj En la Vent
*#Alia Mondo
*#Neĝo Dancas
*#Du Homoj

*Vinilkosmo kompil' 1 (1995) - The Vinilkosmo Compilation Album 1 (named after the record label Vinilkosmo) included the Persone song "Reĝoj de cindro" (track 8).

*Vinilkosmo kompil' 2 (1996) - The Vinilkosmo Compilation Album 2 included the Martin Wiese's (of Persone) "Vivo duras sed vi molas" (track 3).

*Povus Esti Simple (1996)
*#Povus Esti Simple
*#Mondo Au Mi
*#Trans Torent
*#Ili Venos
*#Kiam Amo Regas
*#Mejlojn For
*#Reĝoj de Cindro
*#Nun Mallumas Ekstere
*#La Leviĝo de la Lun
*#El la Man

*...Sed Estas Ne (1999, Part of Kolekto 2000)
*#Liza Pentras Bildojn
*#Se la Cerbo Volas
*#La Ĉielo
*#Bileto Al la Lun
*#Kion Ajn
*#Fantomoj de la Pasintec
*#Lasu Min Sonĝi
*Sen (2002)
*#Pli Ol Nenio
*#La Fantoma Lum
*#Mi Ĉiam Kredis (Ke la Koro)
*#Estu Ĉiam
*#Sola En Vaku
*#Korpo kaj Anim
*#Patro Nia
*#Perloj Sur la Ter
*#Lasu Min Sonĝi
*#Nun Mallumas Ekstere

See also

*Esperanto music

External links

* [ Official site of Persone (Esperanto)]

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