Maedad Khan Achakzai

Maedad Khan Achakzai

Ghazi Maedad Khan Achakzai (Pashto: غازي مېداد خان اڅکزی) was born in Jilga village of Toba Achakzai. He was the son of Badin Khan and grandson of Gul Mohammad Khan. He was the grand grandson of Tharhat Khan who is the tribe father of Tharhatzai, a subclan of Hamidzai clan of Achakzais.

Maedad Khan's father had served in Afghan Army in first Anglo-Afghan war. Maedad Khan Achakzai left Toba Achakzai at very young age to join the Afghan Army in Herat as well. He was serving as Captain in Herat as he was given the duty in 1880 to mobilize his tribesmen in second Anglo Afghan war against British[1]. Maedad Khan collected Achakzais from Toba Achakzai and Uruzgan and joined Ghazi Ayub Khan in Maiwand. He took part in the Battle of Maiwand and was wounded. He survived the battle of Maiwand and married the daughter of clan chief of Sagzais of Herat. Maedad Khan's family left Herat for Kandahar after his death.

Ghazi Maedad Khan Achakzai had two sons Saied Mohmmad and Mirza Mohammad Ayub Khan Achakzai who was a poet of Persian and Pashto languages and served also as mayor of Gizab in Uruzgan Province. Ghazi Maedad Khan Achakzai's daughter Mohammadzai is considered to be the first Lady in Kandahar, who taught women Quran and its Tafseer. Lady Mohammadzai was one of the most educated women in Kandahar.


  1. ^ Dr. Lathif Yaad (April 13, 2008). "پښتني قبيلې و پيژنئ!". Retrieved 2008-06-13. "د اڅکزيو بل نا متو او غيرتي شخصيت غازي مېدد خان ا څکزی دی چې دافغان-انګرېز په دويمه جګړه کې يې د ميو ند د فاتح غازي محمد ايوب خان تر څنګ يې د انګرېزانو غو ږونه ښه ورتاو کړيدي" 
  • Dewan-e-Ayub (Unknown Binding) by Mirza Mohammad Ayub Khan Achakzai(Author)

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