Intercolegial de Baile 2008

Intercolegial de Baile 2008

The 22nd annual Intercolegial de Baile, held in several cities in Mexico. 2008's competition is the biggest competition of the IB history. Almost 5,000 contestants competed for a chance to win. The National Competition will be held in Pachuca, Hidalgo.

Competition Changes

Compared with the past competitions, 2008 was completely different. It featured 2 new categories (Novelty & Tecnica). The competition narrowed down from 9 to 6 regional areas:

* El Norte (in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon)
* El Occidente (in Guadalajara, Jalisco)
* El Centro (in Queretaro, Queretaro)
* El Sur (in Puebla, Puebla)
* La Peninsula (in Merida, Yucatan)
* La Capital (in Mexico City)

Also each category had 2 sub-categories (Equipo & Tropa). It continued it's annual awardings (Kids, Junior & Senior.)

National Competition

The National Competition will be held in Pachuca, Hidalgo starring on May 23th, 2008 & ending on May 25th. 18 states will compete this year, the biggest of any national competition.

* Coahuila
* Chihuahua
* Distrito Federal
* Estado de Mexico
* Guanajuato
* Guerrero
* Hidalgo
* Jalisco
* Michoacan
* Morelos
* Nuevo Leon
* Puebla
* Queretaro
* Sonora
* Tamaulipas
* Veracruz
* Yucatan
* Zacatecas

Qualifying groups

Kids Category (Novelty Equipo)

name = Intercolegial de Baile
title = Intercolegial de Baile
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Intercolegial de BaileMexico

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