- Klaipėda Geothermal Demonstration Plant
The Klaipėda Geothermal Demonstration Plant in
Klaipėda ,Lithuania , constructed during the late 1990s and early 2000s, was the firstgeothermal heating plant in theBaltic Sea region.cite web
title=Implementation Completion Report
publisher=The World Bank
accessdate=2008-05-04] Its purpose was to reducecarbon dioxide ,sulfur dioxide ,nitrogen oxide , andparticulate emissions in the area, as well as to reduce Lithuania's dependence on foreign energy sources. The plant suppliesdistrict heating to the city. Construction was financed by a loan from theWorld Bank (US$5.9 million) and a grant from theGlobal Environment Facility (US$6.9 million). The Danish state company Dansk Olie og Naturgas (nowDONG Energy ) provided technical support, and Enterprise Geoterma (EG) served as the implementing agency. The total cost of the plant was US$19.5 million. [cite web
title=Newsletter of the International Geothermal Association
publisher=International Geothermal Association
After declaring independence from the
Soviet Union , theBaltic States of Lithuania andLatvia were left with an energy sector that was heavily reliant on imported gas, oil, and nuclear fuel sources. [cite web
title= Baltic states in EU energy tie-up
publisher=BBC News
accessdate=2008-05-04] [cite web
title=Promotion of renewable energy in Baltic States (abstract)
publisher=Science Direct
accessdate=2008-05-04] In 1996, when the plant project was appraised, domestic energy sources supplied only 2% of Lithuania's heat demand. The states began consideringrenewable energy projects in response. Between 1992 and 1994 the Government ofDenmark financed a study of the geothermal potential in Lithuania and Latvia called "Baltic Geothermal Energy Project". Regional aquifers within theDevonian andCambrian strata were analyzed along with the energy needs and geothermal potential of 12 urban areas: Klaipėda,Palanga ,Siauliai ,Silale ,Silute ,Gargzdai ,Radviliskis , andJoniskis in Lithuania, andLiepaja ,Riga ,Jurmala , andJelgava in Latvia. On the basis of this project's findings and other investigations, Klaipėda was chosen as a pilot location.cite web
title=Inauguration of first geothermal plant in Lithuania
publisher=International Geothermal Association
accessdate=2008-05-04] The World Bank had estimated the plant would reduce annual emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) by 47,800 tons and nitrogen dixodes (NOX) by 1 ton if it replacednatural gas as a fuel, and reduce CO2 emissions by 51,940 tons, NOX by 11 tons, and sulfur dioxides by 1,160 tons per year if it additionally replaced heavyfuel oil . According to this estimate, the plant would satisfy about 10% of the city's heat demand.Plant design and operation
The potential for geothermal heating using the source
aquifer arises from theGotland tectonic belt andPolotsk –Kurzeme fault belt interface in the area, which generates thermal anomalies. [cite web|title=Klaipėda tectonic sigmoid|url=http://images.katalogas.lt/maleidykla/Geol74/Geol_033_038.pdf|publisher=Lietuvos mokslų akademija|year=2007|accessdate=2008-05-04]The plant uses convert|38|°C|°F|0 water from a well drilled into a
Devonian aquifer about convert|1100|m|ft|-2 beneath the surface. The heat is extracted using an absorptionheat pump , and circulates in a closed loop. It then contributes to the existing district heating system. [cite web
title=Klaipeda Geothermal Demonstration Project
publisher=Global Environment Facility
accessdate=2008-05-04]During its construction, difficulties arose when
gypsum clogged the well's filters, but these problems were overcome, and in 2004 the State Commission confirmed a plant capacity of 3MWt , of which geothermal constituted 13.6 MWt. 103,000MWh of heat were produced in 2001, increasing to 215,000 MWh in 2003.Enterprise Geoterma experienced financial difficulties, coming close to bankruptcy in 2007. The company planned to reconstruct the plant during 2008, possibly adding electrical generating capacity. [cite web
title=Alternatyvios energijos ateitis - šakėmis ant vandens
accessdate=2008-05-04 lt icon]References
External links
* [http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects/main?Projectid=P036011&theSitePK=40941&pagePK=64283627&menuPK=228424&piPK=73230 The World Bank: Projects - Lithuania]
*" [http://www.geothermie.de/egec-geothernet/ci_prof/europe/lithuania/0237.PDF Klaipeda Geothermal Demonstration Plant] " in "Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress"
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.