Polypterus katangae

Polypterus katangae


image_caption =
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Polypteriformes
familia = Polypteridae
genus = "Polypterus"
species = "P. katangae"
binomial = "Polypterus katangae"
binomial_authority = Poll, 1941cite web|last=Evans|first=Sean|url=http://www.polypterus.info/p_katangae.htm|title="Polypterus katangae"|publisher=Polypterus.info|accessdate=2008-06-14]

"Polypterus katangae" is a fish is found in central African lakes and rivers. Another name for the fish is "P. congicus".


The lower jaw is longer than the upper. It is an olive green to gray color.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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