- Hermann Kutter
Hermann Kutter (
September 12 ,1863 -March 31 ,1931 ) was a SwissLutheran theologian . Together withLeonhard Ragaz , he was one of the founders ofChristian Socialism inSwitzerland . He was heavily influenced byChristoph Blumhardt . He combined Blumhardt's expectation of a coming Kingdom ofGod with a belief insocialist progress. He sawSocial Democracy as a "tool" of the living God, and its followers as unwitting servants of God. He authored 11 books.Biography
Kutter was born at
Bern , the son of Wilhelm Rudolf Kutter (1818-1888), an engineer, and Marie Albertina König (1833-1923). Hemarried Lydia Rohner (1868-1936) in 1892. He grew up in a pietistic home and studiedtheology inBasel ,Bern , andBerlin . In 1844 he became apastor inVinelz (Bielersee), 1898 inZürich (Neumünster).Philosophy
Under the impression of a combination of the
Christian expectation of the Kingdom of God, thelife philosophies of the time, and the socialistic faith in the future of the younger Blumhardt, as well as thephilosophy of German idealism, Kutter reached a dynamic view of God: God, who through Christ penetrateshumankind and the world in eternal reality is the only reality of life. With this theo-centric theology Kutter paved the way for so-called “dialectic theology” (Karl Barth ,Emil Brunner ,Eduward Thurneysen ). For Kutter, the return to “direct life” is completed in the history of humankind; socialism is a sign of this. But for Kutter this return to the direct is at the same time the meaning and goal of Christendom. For him,social democrat s are instruments of the living God; “they must” proclaim to the world the judgment and the great turning point in their service to God, without realizing it themselves. Nonetheless, Kutter never joined the Social Democratic Party (asLeonhard Ragaz and Karl Barth did); neither did he identify the gospel with socialism.links
'They Must' by Hermann Kutter (1908) Online
* [http://www.archive.org/details/theymustorgod00kuttuoft Internet Archive: Details: They must; or God and the social democracy: a frank word to christian men and women ] at www.archive.org
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.