Amergin (comics)

Amergin (comics)

publisher=Marvel Comics
debut="Avengers" #225 (1982)
creators=Steven Grant
Greg LaRocque
Chic Stone
aliases=Amairgen, Amairgin (alternate spellings)
powers=variety of magical abilities, including spellcasting and teleportation, nearly unlimited lifespan|

Amergin is a fictional character adapted from legend by Marvel Comics, who has appeared in multiple Avengers comic books. Amergin is a powerful sorcerer with vast mystical abilities, made apparent as a god-like character much like the popular titles of Thor and Hercules. The only signifigance of the character is being an ancestor of Doctor Druid, another sorceric character and Avengers hero.

Dane Whitman's spirit was drawn to the 12th century by the sorcerer Amergin the Druid, and took recurring spiritual possession of his ancestor, the Crusader Sir Eobar Garrington until Garrington's destruction due to the Evil Eye. ["Avengers #225-226]


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