Sheikh Nuri Sheikh Salih Sheikh Ghani Barzinji

Sheikh Nuri Sheikh Salih Sheikh Ghani Barzinji

Sheikh Nuri Sheikh Salih Sheikh Ghani Sheikh Abdul Qadir is from the Barzinji tribe of Kurdistan. Sheikh Nuri was born in the Suleimani neighbourhood of Ashaba Spi in 1896. Sheikh Nuri was a relative to the last Kurdish King, Shiekh Mahmud Barzinji and under Sheikh Mahmud's reign, Sheikh Nuri was the Persian Editor of the Bangi Kurdistan Newspaper and the Editor in Chief of the Roji Kurdistan Newspaper.

From a young age, Sheikh Nuri partook in Kurdish activism and had a love for poetry. Sheikh Nuri held many government posts including the district administrator of Sangaw, Kurdistan. Sheikh Nuri fathered four sons and two daughters.

His eldest son was Sheikh Janab, his second eldest was Sheikh Shahab Shahab Sheikh Nuri, the founder of the Komalay Ranjdarani Kurdistan. Khala Shahab was executed by the Baatist regime under the direct order of the then Iraqi strongman, Saddam Hussien in 1976 in the Abu Ghraib Prison. Sheikh Nihad was Sheikh Nuri's third. Sheikh Nihad passed away during the 1991 Kurdish exodus on the Iraq/Iran border and was buried in the Kurdish village of Kani Dinar, and followed, Sheikh Daro. Sheikh Daro held many positions within the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan PUK, at one point Sheikh Daro was a member of the PUK Polit Bureau and in the late 1990s was the Deputy Prime Minister for the Kurdistan Regional Government. Sheikh Nuri's two daughters are Galawezh and Pirshang. Pirshing is the lone survivor of Sheikh Nuri's offspring.

Sheikh Nuri has authored a number of poetry books, one being Diwani Shweikh Nuri Sheikh Salih published first in the 1970s.

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