Helicopter Operations from Ships other Than Aircraft Carriers (HOSTAC) is a military international
standardization program made up of 4 regional HOSTAC Conferences/Working Groups. These regional groups include theNATO HOSTAC, SIAN HOSTAC, Pacific HOSTAC and Middle East HOSTAC. The primary focus of this international forum is generate the appropriate standards (Standardization Agreements - STANAGs) and maintain up-to-date national information in order to successfully and safely conduct cross-deckhelicopter operations between navies.The first combine "Global" HOSTAC conference was held in April 2008 in Norfolk, Virginia, USA and included the participation by 34 nations.
The HOSTAC publications, APP 2(F)/MPP 2(F) Volume I, Volume II and Volume II Pocket Guide, are part of the Multinational Publications Electronic Library (MPEL).
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