- Ruby Country
Ruby Country is the name given to the rural inland hinterland of north-west
Devon ,UK . It covers 45parish es around themarket towns of [http://www.holsworthy.co.uk/ Holsworthy] and [http://www.hatherleigh.net/ Hatherleigh] . These two towns were at the centre of the 2001 Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak, and althoughagriculture was directly affected, most local businesses suffered considerable financial hardship.As a result the [http://www.therubycountry.com/ Ruby Country Initiative] was established, a
not for profit partnership , to help create a more robust and sustainable local economy, and to create an identity for the area.The project is supported by a number of organisations: [http://www.devon.gov.uk/ Devon County Council] , [http://www.ruraldevon.org/ Devon Renaissance] ,
Devon Wildlife Trust ,Forestry Commission , Hatherleigh Area Project, Holsworthy Market and Coastal Town Initiative, [http://www.northdevonbiosphere.org.uk/ North Devon Biosphere] , [http://www.torridge.gov.uk/ Torridge District Council] and [http://www.westdevon.gov.uk/ West Devon Borough Council] .References
Manning, S. et al. [http://www.countryside.gov.uk/Images/Culm%20LMS%20final%20draft_tcm2-18324.pdf "Land Between the Moors"] ,
Countryside Agency ,Spring ,2004 . AccessedMay 25 ,2008 .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.