Sarduri II

Sarduri II

Sarduri II (ruled 764-735 BCE) was the King of Urartu (modern-day Armenia). The Urartian Kingdom was at its peak during his reign. He succeeded his father Argishti I to the throne.

Sardur II was so confident in his power that he erected a massive wall at Tushpa (Van) with the following inscription::"the magnificent king, the mighty king, king of the universe, king of the land of Nairi, a king having none equal to him, a shepherd to be wondered at, fearing no battle, a king who humbled those who would not submit to his authority."


*M. Chahin (2001) "The Kingdom of Armenia", ISBN 0700714529, [ Chapter 8: ""Sarduri II (753-735 BC): The Golden Age of Vannic power]

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