- Rafflesiales
"Rafflesiales" is a
botanical name of an order offlowering plant s. The name was first published by Oliver in 1895. TheCronquist system used this name for an order placed in subclass "Rosidae " with the following (1981) :* order "Rafflesiales"
*: family "Hydnoraceae "
*: family "Mitrastemonaceae "
*: family "Rafflesiaceae "The
APG II system regards "Rafflesiaceae" as an unplaced family of three genera. Also unplaced is the genus "Mitrastema ". However, APG II does have a placement for family "Hydnoraceae", in the order "Piperales ".According to the [http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/Research/APweb/orders/malpighialesweb.htm#Rafflesiaceae AP-Website] , recent research places "Rafflesiaceae" in order "
Malpighiales ".
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.