

Infobox Software
name = Anki
logo =

caption =
collapsible =
author =
developer = [ Damien Elmes]
released =
latest release version =
latest release date =
latest preview version =
latest preview date =
frequently updated = Yes
programming language = Python
operating system = Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
platform = Cross-Platform
size =
language = English, Japanese, Czech, French, Dutch, Spanish
status = Active
genre = Flashcard spaced repetition
license = GPL v3
website = []

Anki (from the Japanese word meaning "to memorize") is a spaced repetition flashcard program. The software is similar to SuperMemo, a commercial product for the same purpose, and Mnemosyne, a minimalist free software alternative.

The SM2 algorithm, created for SuperMemo in the late 80s, forms the basis of the spaced repetition methods employed in the program. Anki's implementation of the algorithm has been modified to allow priorities on cards, and to show cards in order of their urgency.

Unique features


Anki stores data in a different way to other flashcard programs.Within Anki, data is held in two forms: "facts" and "cards". Facts are like database entries and can have an arbitrary number of fields. For example, for learning a language, a fact may have the following fields and example entries:
* Field 1: Expression in target language - "gateau"
* Field 2: Pronunciation - [sound file with the word "gateau" pronounced]
* Field 3: Meaning in your own language - "cake"

The user can then design cards that test the information contained in each fact. One card may have a question: (expression) and an answer (pronunciation, meaning).

By keeping the separate cards linked to the same fact, spelling mistakes can be adjusted against all cards at the same time, and Anki can make sure related cards are not shown in too short a spacing.


Anki supports synchronization with a free online server. This allows you to keep your deck synchronized across multiple computers, and to study online or on a cell phone.

Japanese and Chinese reading generation

Anki will automatically fill in the reading of Japanese and Chinese text.


SuperMemo appears to be one of the earliest Spaced Repetition Systems programs. As of mid-2008, it remains the most advanced, although in terms of usability it has been far surpassed by its open-source successors, Anki and Mnemosyne. [ [ Review of Mnemosyne vs. Anki vs. SuperMemo] ] Mnemosyne is much closer to SuperMemo in functionality and look-and-feel. It is simple and effective. Anki is in comparison not quite as stable but more feature rich. Anki is in active development and as it matures it will likely be a bit different from both SuperMemo and Mnemosyne.

Anki's scheduling algorithm is based on an old version of the SuperMemo algorithm. The Anki author claims that subsequent versions of the algorithm are more susceptible to incorrect scheduling. [ [ Anki Algorithm] ]


External links

* [ Anki] website
* [ SM2 Algorithm]
* [ Anki Algorithm]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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