Matthias Clasen

Matthias Clasen

Matthias Clasen is a German musician and composer.


Childhood, Family & Personal

He grew up in Hamburg and has played music since his childhood with his first instrument being anything noisy before moving on to Trumpet. He spends his free time with his family; he has a daughter, Anda Alice who enjoys singing along. His favourite music genres to listen to are pop/rock, and when the song writing is good or if it sets your foot tapping. His favourite books includeThe AlchemistandLove in the Time of Cholera’. He feels his positive qualities and weaknesses are stubbornness, unconditional optimism, empathy, ambition.


He has also played alongside Vicky Leandros, Otto Walkes, toured with Tony Christie and many other smaller bands; hes also enjoyed playing with his sister Regy Clasen. He joined the James Last Orchestra in the autumn of 1999. His favourite country for performing in is anywhere which has music enthusiasts. In the James Last Orchestra his favourite pieces areLean on MeandReel Express’, and his biggest musical achievement is being thrown out of his local youth jazz orchestra in 1990. He is multi-musically talented, playing saxophones, flute piccolo, several ethnic flutes, keyboards, singing and percussion, but anything that is needed he says hell play somehow. His relationship is very good and trusting with his current conductor, James Last, and they play golf together after going sailing. He rates him as one of the biggest German musicians and composers.


  • James Last: Live at the Royal Albert Hall (DVD & CD - 2007) Flute/Saxophone
  • James Last: They Call Me Hansi (CD) Flute/Saxophone
  • James Last: Live in Europe (CD - 2007) Flute/Saxophone
  • James Last: Gentleman of Music (DVD & CD - 2006) Flute/Saxophone
  • James Last: A World of Music (DVD & CD - 2004) Flute/Saxophone


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