Tor Svendsberget

Tor Svendsberget

Tor Svendsberget (born November 3, 1947) is a former Norwegian biathlete. He received a silver medal in "20 km" at the 1970 Biathlon World Championships in Östersund, and bronze medals in Lake Placid 1973 and in Minsk 1974. [ "Biathlon – World Championships – Men: 20 km"] – "" (Retrieved on April 25, 2008)]

He has received four silver medals and one bronze medal in "4 x 7.5 km relay" in the Biathlon World Championships with the Norwegian team. [ "Biathlon – World Championships – Men: 4 x 7.5 km Relay"] – "" (Retrieved on April 25, 2008)]

Junior world champion

Svendsberget became junior world champion in 1967 and 1968.


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