- E-prescribing
E-prescribing or electronic prescribing is the use of online, computerized tools to create and sign
prescription s.Physician s are taking advantage of new e-prescribing software intended to replace written prescriptions with electronic prescriptions that are sent to pharmacies via computer networks. One example of an e-prescribing system is provided free by the National ePrescribing Patient Safety Initiative (NEPSI, [http://www.nationalerx.com] ). An example of a fully-featured e-prescribing system is Rcopia from DrFirst [http://www.drfirst.com] .E-prescribing is intended to bring dramatic safety and efficiency benefits to the prescribing process for patients and prescribers alike. Patients should benefit from the safety features of e-prescribing including the elimination of medication errors due to poor handwriting and automated drug safety checks provided by e-prescribing software. Physicians benefit from clinical decision support, integrated patient prescription insurance data and, especially, a dramatic decrease in calls from pharmacies requesting clarification of prescriptions.
Presently, several groups have become active in the development and deployment of e-prescribing technology including
HIMSS , theeHealth Initiative and theCenters for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS).
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.