

Bot or BOT or similar may refer to:

In people:
* Bernard Bot, Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs

In places:
* Bot, Spain, municipality of the "comarca" of Terra Alta

In computers:
* Alienware Bot, line of budget desktop PCs manufactured by Alienware
* Bots (edi), open source EDI software
* BOTS, computer game
* Chatterbot, computer program designed to simulate an intelligent conversation with a human
* Desktop Bot, software that resides on a computer and indexes content for the purpose of searching, tagging, or distribution
* Internet bot, computer program which does automated tasks
** Botnet, network of "zombie" computers used to carry out automated tasks such as spamming
** Computer game bot, computer controlled player or opponent
** IRC bot, computer program connected to an Internet Relay Chat server as a normal user
*** LlamaBot, a popular IRC bot written in mSL
*** Infobot, an IRC bot designed to remember URL's
* Aimbot, a modification for a First-person shooter type game to provide assistance with aiming and shooting.

In acronyms:
* Air Botswana (ICAO code)
* Balance of Trade
* Bank of Tanzania, Tanzania's central bank
* Bank of Thailand, Thailand's central bank
* Bird of Time, R/C glider originally designed by Dave Thornburg and now sold as an ARF by Dynaflite
* Bloch oscillating transistor
* Body on tap
* BOT (holding), BOT Holding Bełchatów-Opole-Turów Górnictwo i Energetyka S.A.
* BOT GKS Bełchatów, Polish football club
* BOT Skra Bełchatów, Polish volleyball club
* British Overseas Territory
* Build-Operate-Transfer contracts
* Buoni ordinari del tesoro, a type of Italian government bond

In other uses:
* bot, blunt, insensitive; Dutch
* bot, colloquial term, typically used in the UK, short for "bottom", i.e., bum, ass etc.
* Boten Anna, hit song in Sweden in the middle of 2006 about an IRC bot
* The larva of the botfly
* Bots (band), Dutch language folk rock group
* Robot, mechanical device that can perform physical tasks

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • bot — bot, bote [ bo, bɔt ] adj. • mil. XVe; p. ê. du germ. °butta « émoussé » ♦ Pied bot, rendu difforme par rétraction de tendons et de ligaments, souvent associée à des malformations osseuses. Par ext. (Rare) Main bote. Hanche bote. ⇒ varus. Loc.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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