Junzō Yoshimura

Junzō Yoshimura

Nihongo|Junzō Yoshimura|吉村順三|Yoshimura Junzō|extra=September 7, 1908April 11, 1997 was a Japanese architect. His works include the Tokyo Imperial Palace, the Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo, the Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art in Haifa, the Japan Society in New York City, the International House of Japan in Kyoto, and the East and West Wings of the Nara National Museum. [Tokyo Imperial Palace, [http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/arrange/attractions/practical/archi_list_01.html Works by Major Architects: Japanese Architects] (accessed April 24, 2008); Norwegian Embassy, [http://www2.norway.or.jp/culture/news/0511yoshimura_j.htm Exhibition of Junzo Yoshimura - the architect for the Norwegian Embassy, Tokyo] (Norway's official site in Japan, accessed April 24, 2008); Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art, [http://www.tour-haifa.co.il/eng/modules/article/view.article.php/c21/113 The Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art] (retrieved April 24, 2008); Japan Society, [http://www.japansociety.org/content.cfm/circle_of_friends Japan Society, New York - Circle of Friends] (retrieved April 24, 2008); International House of Japan, [http://www.i-house.or.jp/en/ihj/garden/index.html About IHJ] (retrieved April 24, 2008; Nara National Museum, [http://www.narahaku.go.jp/shisetu/higashi-shinkan_e.htm East Wing] and [http://www.narahaku.go.jp/shisetu/nishi-shinkan_e.htm West Wing] (both accessed April 24, 2008).]

With his colleagues, he won the Prize of the Architectural Institute of Japan for Specific Contribution for the International House of Japan [ [http://www.aij.or.jp/scripts/prize/prize.htm 日本建築学会各賞受賞者・受賞業績検索] (姓:吉村;名:吉村) Retrieved April 24, 2008] .


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